Jovar Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Jovar, also known as the Glittering Heaven and Heaven of Gems, is the sixth layer of Mount Celestia. It is the location of Yetsirah, the Heavenly City.  
Jovar is ruled by Sealtiel, the Defender. He is charged with preventing incursions into Chronias and defending against the machinations of fiends. He is also patron of warden archons.  
Notable Locations
Yetsira The Heavenly City. A huge seven-layered ziggurat that displays a large staircase on each face connecting the terraces of each layer. The stones that made up the city were made of precious gemstones, similar to those seen around the surrounding hills. On the topmost terrace is the bridge of al-Sihal, formed of pure light, where the portal to the topmost layer of Celestia, Chronias, is located. It is guarded by a powerful solar named Xerona who judged who is allowed to enter.


Jovar is covered in hills that are studded with precious gemstones that glittered in the light. Jovar is actually a vault lined floor to ceiling with huge rubies and garnets that gave off a glow like a hearth fire.
Dimensional plane
Location under


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