Segojan Earthcaller Character in Theras | World Anvil

Segojan Earthcaller (SEH-go-jan)

Segojan Earthcaller, is revered among the Gnomes as the deity of earth and nature, focuses primarily on beings that inhabit and tunnel through the soil. His domain encompasses the depths of the earth and its subterranean life, and only recently has he extended his divine guardianship to include the surface world and its natural wonders. Segojan is also recognized as the patron deity of the deceased among the Gnomes, as they lay their departed loved ones to rest within his earthly realm. It is believed he bestowed upon the Gnomes the unique gift of communicating with burrowing animals.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Segojan's clerics collaborate extensively with the priesthoods of other gnome deities. Together with Baervan Wildwanderer's clergy, they aim to conserve and safeguard the natural environments, with a special focus on the subterranean ecosystems. They join forces with Flandal Steelskin's followers to monitor and ensure the well-being and security of gnome mining endeavors. In partnership with Callarduran Smoothhands' devotees, they strive to strengthen the connections between surface-dwelling gnomes and their deep gnome counterparts in the Underdark, actively safeguarding the borders between the diverse Underdark races and the gnomish territories above. Rock gnome priests, who are the mainstay of Segojan's clergy, frequently act as diplomats to their deep gnome relatives, advocating for and facilitating trade between the subraces. In their role related to Segojan's guardianship over the deceased, his priests conduct the majority of gnome funerary ceremonies, laying the departed to rest within his realm.
  Aligned with their deity's domain over the afterlife, the clergy, known as the Lord of Burrows' priests, conduct the majority of the burial ceremonies for the gnomes, ensuring the deceased are respectfully laid to rest within their god's realm.   Gnome burial practices can vary, especially for renowned individuals, by embedding gemstones in the mud coatings of their graves, attracting grave robbers, including followers of Urdlen. To protect these sites, gnomes keep burial locations unmarked and hidden, placing them deep underground and sealing off access by collapsing the tunnels leading to them. They often bobby trap those graves with mushrooms and biological spells of poison that even infect gnomes.  
Use of Natural Drugs
Unlike Flandal Steelskin, which carefuly synthezie the drugs, the clergy of Segojan are specialist of natural drugs, mushrooms, espacially those in the underdark. They take great care of the living, as well as the dead, truly trying medicine, however, unlike Flandal's clergy, they think of the industralized medicine bad and unhealthy for gnomes (while for most races, they tihink its ok).  


The Earthen Embrace
The Earthen Embrace is a funeral tradition common among most gnome communities, especially prevalent among rock gnomes. In these communities, the deceased are not typically placed in coffins or sarcophagi, though forest gnome communities might use wooden coffins. Instead, the bodies of the deceased gnomes are coated with a thick layer of specially prepared mud by the priests of Segojan. This mud coating dries and solidifies over three days, eventually hardening to a stone-like consistency. During this time, gnome illusionists embed subtle magics into the encasing mud, crafting a lifelike image of the deceased as they looked in life. Once ready, the mummified body, now adorned with lifelike illusions, is laid on a fur blanket made from the pelts of burrowing creatures and brought to the community's central meeting place or to the temple most associated with the deceased. The entire community, often including friends and relatives, gathers to share cherished memories and stories of the deceased's life. Following this, the body receives blessings from the clergy and is then carried by Segojan's priests to be laid to rest in a special earthen burial chamber.   Gnomes of significance are distinguished by enduring illusions that persist beyond the traditional mourning period, sometimes even mimicking their movements in life. In exceptional ceremonies, highly esteemed gnomes are commemorated by encasing their earthen mummies in aurumvorax hides.  
Priestly Vestments
Segojan's clergy attire consists of a fur cap and leather armor in shades of gray or dark brown, honoring the deity's decree to use all parts of hunted animals. Their holy symbol is a large gem enchanted with a light spell, glowing from within as a sign of divine favor.   During times of peril, priests may wield any armor or weapon sourced from the earth, encompassing wood, metal, or stone. Though they typically opt for leather armor and stone or metal rods as weapons, adhering to the preference for bludgeoning implements.  
Segojan's temples are in underground sanctuaries, crafted from excavated caverns interconnected by labyrinthine tunnels. Some serve as museums and wildlife reserves, with animals roaming freely. These temples abound with sculptures, gems, and enchanting illusions.

Tenets of Faith

  • Honor the earth as the essence of the Hidden Kin, nurturing life above and below its surface.
  • Treasure the gifts concealed within the earth's embrace, both living and mineral.
  • Draw out the fruits of nature and help other find the gifts of the remedy of the wilds.
  • Embrace exploration and tunneling, for Segojan welcomes all gnomes into his domain.
  • Beware the dangers of greed and heed the teachings of the Lord of Burrows to protect against destruction.
  • Trust in Segojan's guidance and protection for those who dwell in harmony with his teachings.


Segojan is venerated during quarterly observances, coinciding with the onset of each new season. His devotees assemble in modest earthen dens, presenting both raw and crafted gemstones as homage to the earth's treasures provided by the Lord of Burrows. These offerings are then carefully buried in small holes dug by badgers, entrusted to the earth's care. It is believed that Segojan commands burrowing creatures to relocate these jewels for gnomes to rediscover. Despite attempts by the corrupted followers of Urdlen to pilfer these offerings, diligent excavation has failed to uncover the buried treasures in their original locations.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Segojan stands as one of the most venerable among the Lords of the Golden Hills and previously governed several facets of gnome existence now managed by other gods, including the broad realm of nature.  

Myths and legends

The birth of the gods
Segojan is said to have been born from a diamond in the heart of the world, before he was released by the erosion of underground waters.

Personality Characteristics


Segojan Earthcaller embodies a practical and down-to-earth nature, always opting for clear and direct communication. While he prefers to diffuse and steer clear of confrontations, the Earthfriend becomes a formidable adversary when he or his devotees are provoked, especially if the threat occurs within their sanctum. Segojan is regarded as the guardian deity of rock gnomes.
Lord of the Burrow;
Keeper of Depths;
The Mushroom giver;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Earth, Nature, the Dead, Natural Drugs and Medicines
Animal (Fur), Earth (Caves,Dolmen), Good (Azata) ,Gnome, Healing (Restoration), Repose (Psycopomp, Souls)
Glowing Gemstone
Druids, elemental archons (earth), fighters, gnomes, illusionists, merchants, miners
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Heavy mace
Holy Days


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