Flandal Steelskin Character in Theras | World Anvil

Flandal Steelskin (flan-dahl steel-skin)

Flandal Steelskin is an unrivaled master craftsman, constantly pushing the boundaries of his own abilities and tirelessly working to improve his skills. He serves as a patient mentor, reserving his displeasure exclusively for those crafters who show laziness or apathy.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Similar to a guild of artisans, the Flandal's church fosters a culture of individual freedom among its members, serving primarily as a platform for skill enhancement and the exchange of innovative ideas. Revered as unparalleled miners and smiths, Flandal's clergy continuously refine their craft in subterranean landscapes, seeking an innate connection with their natural surroundings. Many assume the role of mentors, imparting knowledge to fellow gnomes on identifying promising ore veins, hazardous conditions, and the presence of hostile entities. Tasked with ensuring the well-being of gnome miners and overseeing the quality of smithy productions, clerics of the Master of Metal are esteemed for their mastery over various metals, crafting exceptional weapons and armor that rival the craftsmanship of Moradin's clerics. Regular strength and endurance training are expected of Flandal's clergy, ensuring they remain physically adept for tasks such as mining, smithing, or engaging in battle when necessary.  
Development of the Drug Industry
In 129 AB, Flandal charged his clergy to begin expe-rimenting with the drugs of Segojan Earthcaller, beginning cooperation among the two clergies, unlike any other times in the Gnomish Pantheon between the two of them.   Hence, the church itself is working jointly with Segojan Earthcaller's clergy, using the fruits of nature to enhance drugs for self-use, battle, enhancement, pain-relief, medicines.   The drugs themselves are so intertwined with the gnomish culture, espacially in The League of Gnomir, where they use medicinal herbs and other drug for any use fathomable, that the gnomish population consider it a must.  
Clerics devoted to Flandal observe their prayer rituals at noon, a time when the world's forge burns brightest and hottest.  
Day-to-Day Activities
Flandal's priests are expert miners and smiths, honing their skills underground and mentoring others. They oversee safety, produce exceptional weapons and armor, and maintain physical fitness for their tasks.  
Priestly Vestments
Flandal's priests wear ceremonial steel helms and metal armor, often chain mail or plate mail. Senior priests dye their attire the forge's red-orange hue. The holy symbol is a miniature steel hammer with a flame engraving.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the treasures of life hidden within domain, attained through hard labor, dedication, and craftsmanship.
  • Delve into mines, extract ores, and forge armor, weapons, and metal goods.
  • Dedicate oneself to refining existing techniques, innovating new processes, and maintaining physical fitness.


High Forge
Flandal's clergy convene every Midsummer's Day for grand gatherings, commemorating the sacred occasion known as the High Forge. At dawn, devotees present offerings of meticulously crafted metal weapons to the deity, accompanied by rhythmic hammer hymns that crescendo into a moment of profound silence at midday. Throughout the afternoon and evening, attendees engage in vibrant exchanges of ideas and techniques, showcasing their finest creations. As dusk approaches, the gathering transforms into a bustling marketplace as merchants flock to acquire new trade goods.

Personality Characteristics


The Master of Metal frequently embarks on journeys alongside one or two other Gnome deities, seeking out new veins of ore and metal for his workshops. In his absence, Flandal can be found in his workshop, either devising or crafting new magical weaponry. He is no stranger to combat, relying on the weapons forged in his own fires to secure victory. While his enchanted war hammer, Rhondang, possesses the ability to communicate with fire-using creatures, Flandal himself harbors no particular fondness for them, though he typically opts for dialogue before resorting to conflict. Occasionally, Flandal imparts intricate smithing techniques to gnomes or directs them to undiscovered sources of metal, and he may also act as a mediator in disputes between gnomes and denizens of fiery realms.


Contacts & Relations

Flandal enjoys amicable relationships with most Gnome deities, excluding Urdlen. He shares a special bond with Segojan Earthcaller, overseeing Gnome miners' safety. Flandal is closely allied with Pheistus and several dwarven deities like Clangeddin Silverbeard, Dumathoin, and Vergadain, with a strong bond to Moradin. Other allies include Cyrrollalee, Grumbar, Kossuth, and Urogalan. Like other Gnome deities, Flandal opposes humanoid deities, particularly the Kobold pantheon, but focuses on sharing forging secrets for self-defense.
Master of Medicine;
The Narc-Lord;
The Great Steelsmith;
Forgefather's Grace;
The Numbing Touch;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power, Aspect of Dumathoin
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Mining, Physical fitness, Smithing, Metalworking, Coppersmithing, Industralized-Drugs
Artifice, Earth, Gnome, Good (Azata) , Healing (Medicine), Knowledge (Education), Magic (Alchemy), Strength (Competition, Fist, Resolve)
Flaming hammer
Artisans, fighters, gnomes, miners, smiths
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Rhondang” (war hammer)
Holy Days
High Forge


The Brotherhood of Iron
The Brotherhood of Iron safeguards the subterranean domains of the Hidden Kin. Its members fulfill their divine duty by protecting miners and ensuring the safety of areas slated for excavation by eliminating any perilous creatures lurking within the tunnels.  
The Apothecary Alliance
This alliance is dedicated to the production and distribution of medicines and drugs to support the health and vitality of gnome communities. Members of this alliance engage in the cultivation of medicinal herbs, the preparation of healing potions, and the development of remedies to address a wide range of health issues. They work tirelessly to ensure that gnomes have access to high-quality healthcare and pharmaceuticals.


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