Singerth eron nakhum Clan Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Singerth eron nakhum Clan

Singerth eron nakhum, which means the Singers of truth Clan and they are the 12th Great Clan of Khazad-Ram and the youngest of the great clans..   They are known for their incredible artistic abilities, particularly in the areas of singing, theater, and bardic performance. Their reputation as master artisans and performers spreads far and wide across the realms, and their music can be heard echoing throughout the underground caverns and echoing halls of the dwarven kingdom - even developing their own bardic college and singing "To the stone".   The Singers of Truth are an inclusive clan, accepting dwarves from all walks of life and from all other clans into their ranks, regardless of their background. However, admission into the clan is not automatic; those who wish to join must prove themselves worthy through a series of trials and tests of skill.   Once accepted into the clan, members of the Singers of Truth dedicate themselves to honing their craft and perfecting their art. They spend countless hours practicing their singing and instrumental skills, and they take great pride in creating new songs and stories to share with the people of Khazad-Ram.   The clan's unique abilities and talents are not just for entertainment purposes, however. The Singers of Truth are also known for their keen sense of observation and ability to discern the truth in any situation. This skill has made them invaluable in the kingdom's legal system, and they are often called upon to serve as judges or to act as advisors in legal matters.   In addition to their artistic and judicial roles, the Singers of Truth also play an important role in the economy and security of Khazad-Ram. They are skilled at creating intricate and ornate works of art, such as jewelry and other luxury goods, which are highly sought after by the wealthy and powerful throughout the realm. Their ability to discern the truth also makes them excellent spies and intelligence gatherers, and they have been known to use their talents to protect the kingdom from potential threats.   Despite their reputation as artists and performers, the Singers of Truth are also fierce warriors and defenders of their people. They are skilled in both ranged and melee combat, and they are not afraid to take up arms to protect their home and their fellow dwarves.   Throughout the history of Khazad-Ram, the Singers of Truth have played a vital role in the kingdom's culture, economy, and security. Their beautiful music and art have brought joy to countless people, while their ability to discern the truth and defend their people has helped to keep the kingdom safe and secure.
Founding Date
899 AB
Ruling Organization
Related Species


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