Skiggaret Character in Theras | World Anvil


Skiggaret is the half-mad bugbear deity of fear and darkness. His presence is not welcomed, but rather feared, by bugbears who often seek to placate him rather than worship him outright. Despite the dread he instills, some bugbears believe that his influence drives them to greater acts of aggression and strengthens those who survive encounters with him. Additionally, they may invoke his terrifying power against their enemies in dire situations.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Bugbears do not worship Skiggaret; instead, they aim to appease him by sacrificing the lives and sanity of their captives, subjecting them to torturous deaths to satisfy the ominous deity. Bugbears remain vigilant for the scarce signs and omens sent by Skiggaret, manifested through raised hackles and fur, sudden chills, and eerie pools of darkness. These indications are interpreted as signs of divine wrath, with Skiggaret serving as the harrower of fear on behalf of the bugbear gods.

Tenets of Faith

  • Survival in the face of Skiggaret's fear strengthens the bugbears.
  • Skiggaret aids in protecting bugbears by intimidating potential oppressors.
  • In dire circumstances, bugbears may beseech Skiggaret for assistance by offering adequate sacrifices.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Skiggaret possesses greater power than the majority of demigods, bestowed upon him by the other bugbear deities. His manifestation is perpetually shrouded in an aura of fear, capable of emanating effects resembling darkness, ray of enfeeblement, and radiant chill within a 20-foot (6.1-meter) radius, each activated twice daily for one minute.

Personality Characteristics


Skiggaret is a partially insane god thought by the bugbears to be a hateful being that enjoyed terror, torture, and death.   The Chilling Fear is a depraved and sadistic creature, and he revels in sadistic delight, drawing strength from the fear and suffering he inflicts. His preferred pastime involves tormenting victims while they still draw breath, relishing the fear not only from the individual but also from any companions witnessing the horror. His actions are tinged with madness, leading scholars to speculate that his time in Pandemonium as Hruggek's servant, followed by his dominion in the Abyss, drove him into the depths of insanity. However, this madness serves a purpose, as few things instill greater terror than a violent and deranged deity.


Contacts & Relations

The relationship dynamics between the Hand of Fear and his fellow bugbear deities are notably intricate. His animosity towards Grankhul surpasses that towards any other deity. Despite recognizing their comparable strength, he seethes with envy at the Night Hunter's ability to exert dominance over him. Conversely, his interactions with Hruggek are even more tangled. While he harbors disdain for being Hruggek's messenger, he holds a begrudging respect for the Headhunter's formidable power. Aware of Hruggek's legendary wrath, he treads carefully to avoid incurring his fury, knowing that even the Frightful One experiences fear in the face of it. In the aftermath of such encounters, he finds himself filled with disgust and self-loathing, preferring the role of instiller rather than recipient of fear.   Skiggaret commands a retinue of diverse entities, including bebiliths, bodaks, eyewings, fetches, feyrs, maelephants, nightmares, quasits, Devils, vaath, and yugoloths. He manifests his favor through the discovery of black opals, black pearls, black sapphires, jet, horn coral, obsidian, and onyx, particularly when these items exude an inexplicable coldness.
The Bogeybear;
The Hand's of Fear;
The Chilling Fear;
Master of Fear;
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Fear, Bugbears
Darkness (Loss, Moon, Shadow, Yule), Evil (Cannibalism, Daemon, Demon, Devil, Fear), Glory (Hubris, Legend)
Black claw
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days


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