Goblinoid Pantheon Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Goblinoid Pantheon

Maglubiyet rules this pantheon with a fist of iron just as Gruumsh does his. It is a pantheon both smaller, and more divided, than the Orcish one. Maglubiyet rules both goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears and does not allow their specific racial gods to grow and develop in strength. Most local pantheons have a number of minor gods, demigods and lesser gods, and if they seem to be increasing in strength Maglubiyet destroys them before they can become a potential challenge to him. He allows Nomog-Geaya and Khurgorbaeyag to exist as totemic specific-race gods, because he knows the need each race has for one specific god of their own, and through long eons these two gods have learned ever to bow themselves to Maglubiyet's flaming iron throne.   There is a mighty war of Orcish and Goblin spirits in the Acheron, directed by Gruumsh and Maglubiyet, which is endless; for as the spirits are slain on the dismal fields of warfare in those terrains, they are raised to fight again at the end of each battle. Countless thousands have been mindlessly slain to gain a few hundred yards, only to rise again and drive their enemies back. Centuries have been spent to gain just one single hill of frozen lava, only to lose it in a decade thereafter. Why the deities persist in this futile struggle is unknown. Perhaps it is to sharpen their battle wits, to try out strategies for other battles; perhaps it is rooted in envy and malice; who can say?  
Dead Members
  • Arvoreen, The Defender, The Vigilant Guardian, The Wary Sword - died in Coppernium 1,051 AB
Religious, Pantheon
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