The Birth of Truth and Light Document in Theras | World Anvil

The Birth of Truth and Light

The Birth of Truth and Light is Sarenrae's foremost holy book. It continues to be studied today by scholars who scrutinise Sarenrae's life, deeds and motivations, discuss about the allegories in the book, and examine the historical records they represent. It has been translated to more than a thousand dialects, and is available for free on most infospheres.   A collection of maxims, poems and popular songs in The Birth of Truth and Light has been collected and edited into a collection known as the Essences of Sarenrae, which encapsulate what is expected of her faithful. Many excerpts from this book are used as prayers, reminding Sarenites of their patron's virtues and guidelines. The most popular mantra, "The Edicts of Illumination", reads:   “ Shed light, act true, embody good, give charitably, shun intolerance, know patience, expose lies, and redeem evil. ”


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