The Purge Plot in Theras | World Anvil

The Purge

The Purge, also called the genocide, was the event that started few years before the fall of the Menedynn Empire. Some people thing the purge is a name for the second purge that occured in 0 AB, at the rise of The Bafigron Empire, where the Menedynn, destroyed all Genasi again.   The Purge was an event of great importance in Rakion, as the people of Menedynn and later on, the Bafigronians, prosecuted and killed all the Genasi, even convincing other countries and cultures to destroy them.   In the First Purge, the Genasi were slaughtered like lambs and some connect this event to the Cataclysm that followed and the fall of the Menedynn Empire. In the Second Purge, The Genasi were many in Rakion, some say it was because of the close proximity to the Elemental Planes - It is important to mention that Genasi were not slaughtered outright, they banded together and fought and commited terrible atrocities, which fueled other races and countries to commit to their slaughter again in History, thus leaving very few Genasi in the world, to the point where Aasimars alone outnumber them by alot.


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