The Bafigron Empire Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Bafigron Empire

The Bafigron Empire is a major empire in Rakion, with a vast sphere of influence extending to the Majestic Kingdom of Keatis, the Grand Duchy of Albiril, and others.


The Bafigron Empire is divided into provinces, which are structured under a triumvirate system, with each province governed by a Fiduciarex, a Pontifex, and a Praefectex. This system ensures a balance of power and authority within each region. The provinces are united in their loyalty to the emperor of Bafigron, forming a cohesive empire.


Warbanner of the Bafigron Empire

As an empire, Bafigron is highly militaristic, with both a standing professional army and a drafted recruitment-based army, both ordered and organized according to its needs and scenarios of deployment and engagement. Drafting occurs either for a specific purpose such as war or heightened tensions, or once every two years for available manpower assessment or training; while the draft is mandatory for assessment, it is optional for
training, and training draftees (or their families) are given tax cuts. However, training draftees are also the first levied and are mobilized within two days.

Foreign Relations

The Empire faces a constant threat from th Vales of Ameros, a Heptarchy known for its devil worship and dark practices. The conflict between the Bafigron Empire and the Vales of Ameros fuels the ongoing state of war, as the empire strives to eradicate the influence of the devil worshipers and protect its citizens from their malevolent machinations.   In addition, the Empire has a formidable adversary, the Dark Lord of Gontal and the ruler of the Dark Lord of Gontal - The Dark lord possess immense cruetly, cunning and power, making them a dangerous foe for the Empire.


Religion holds great significance in the Bafigron Empire. While they may not possess high arcane capabilities, their divine expertise is renowned. The worship of Helios, the Sun God, is prevalent throughout the empire, and the clerics and holy warriors dedicated to Helios and other deities of the Neomen Pantheon play a vital role in defending the empire and spreading its religious influence.


The Bafigron Empire boasts numerous orders of paladins and holy warriors, all sworn to uphold the values and principles of the empire. These devoted warriors are trained in both martial combat and divine magic, making them formidable defenders of the faith and the empire. Their unwavering loyalty to the country and their faith makes them a strong and cohesive force - However, most of them are loyal first and foremost to the Sovereign Imperator


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