The Tome of the Shrouded Soul Document in Theras | World Anvil

The Tome of the Shrouded Soul

The Tome of the Shrouded Soul This is perhaps one of the darkest and most disturbing books ever written, whether for a religion or not. It contains a vast spectrum of knowledge and lore regarding pain, torture, physical afflictions, imprisonment, and methods for breaking mind, body, and soul. Few other books are as depraved and sickening as The Tome. As a result, it is widely banned throughout Stormfell. In certain communities, possession of The Tome incurs a death sentence, sometimes without benefit of a trial.   The Tome of the Shrouded Soul is prohibited in other ways as well. Only the most powerful and influential of Torog’s priests may open the book, let alone try and read its pages. A non-believer even opening the book is likely to suffer immediate and irreversible insanity. If one of Torog’s cultists reads the book without permission, he is usually struck blind, deaf, and mute permanently.   There are a number of sinister rituals contained within this work, including many designed to weaken or prevent divine healing in a victim. The most powerful of Torog’s clerics can inflict wounds that never fully heal and injuries that no magic seems capable of curing. There are numerous stories about the innate evil power of The Tome. According to one rumor, the book cannot be destroyed except through holy radiance or purified flame. Another folktale describes how the book is capable of protecting itself from harm. Regardless of the truth of this unholy text, it remains a dark blight upon all mortal civilizations.


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