Torog Character in Theras | World Anvil


Torog is the embodiment of imprisonment and considered to be the god of the underdark.   Whispered in hushed tones, the name Torog sends shivers down spines. For those unfortunate enough to utter his name, legend warns of a horrifying fate – the Crawling King himself erupting from the depths, dragging the hapless soul into an eternity of torture within his subterranean domain.

Holy Books & Codes

The Tome of the Shrouded Soul is one of the most disturbing books ever written.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

For Torog's followers, pain is the very essence of existence. They see a life without suffering as a terrifying emptiness, the "True Death" where even Torog's exquisite torture cannot reach. They view mortals as blissfully ignorant children, shielded from the harsh reality that awaits them. Unlike those clinging to childish fantasies, Torog's clergy see the world with cold, clear eyes, accepting the inevitable torment as a twisted form of enlightenment.   Followers of Torog, the King that Crawls, often wear his symbol prominently. This serves a dual purpose. In some Underdark civilizations, it grants them a grudging safe passage – a desperate attempt to appease Torog by not directly harming his "property". However, they understand this is a flimsy shield. Torog is an equal-opportunity tormentor, and his followers are no exception.   The Jailor God welcomes all races of the Underdark into his fold. From the fish-like Kuo-toa to the tinkering svirfneblin, deranged derro, desperate humans, and even goblins, Torog finds willing supplicants amongst them. Even some heretical drow and duergar defy their societies to embrace his "gift" of eternal pain.   The faithful of Torog divide themselves into two separate sects:
Caretakers of the Wretched
While seemingly paradoxical, these skilled healers and surgeons believe their duty lies in prolonging mortal suffering. They view their acts of healing as mere tools to extend the canvas of pain. The more vibrant the life, the more exquisite the eventual agony for Torog to relish. These are the butchers who keep their victims healthy, the jailers who ensure their prisoners are strong enough for endless torment.   The Caretakers of the Wretched are particularly sought after for their exceptional healing skills. Even the most ruthless drow matron recognizes the value of these healers.  
Harbingers of Torment
These are the infamous torturers, their skills unmatched in all realms. They see their duty as "enlightening" the masses, tearing away the veil of illusion to reveal the true nature of existence under Torog's rule. Their methods are so horrific that even fiends from the Nine Hells would find them excessive. The Harbingers believe that by inflicting a taste of the coming agony, they prepare mortals for their inevitable, eternal torment.   The barbaric talents of the Harbingers are a coveted commodity among Underdark nobility. Having a personal Harbinger of torment signifies prestige and power.  


Speaking of beholders, these tyrannical creatures are known to occupy abandoned temples of Torog. The dark grandeur and emphasis on eyes within the architecture appeals to their narcissistic desires. They see it as a chance to be worshipped as they believe they deserve, blissfully unaware of the irony – they simply become another plaything for the King that Crawls when they eventually encounter him.

Tenets of Faith

  • Seek out and revere the deep places beneath the earth.
  • Delight in the giving of pain, and consider pain you receive as homage to Torog.
  • Bind tightly what is in your charge, and restrain those who wander free.


The Gauntlet
An Asira Celeberation which commence on evening of winter; the Gauntlet sees members inflict pain upon each other in a grotesque display of devotion to Torog. The most inventive and agonizing methods are lauded, pushing the boundaries of human suffering. Death is a rare mercy, with the killer considered merely an instrument of the inevitable. Scars become badges of honor, testaments to unwavering faith. Caretakers patch up the wounded throughout the week, culminating in a final day of hedonistic excess – a fleeting escape from the horrors that await. Outsiders, eager for a taste of this perverse celebration, willingly endure the Gauntlet's trials for a chance to participate in the debauchery.  
Night of Healing
This night offers a brief respite from Torog's wrath. Caretakers, acting as the Jailor's intermediaries, open their temples as sanctuaries. All who enter receive free medical attention, a symbolic cleansing of earthly suffering before their inevitable torment. Prison gates creak open, allowing Caretakers to minister to the inmates, though escape attempts are met with swift retribution. This holiday is announced in a dream via Torog, often misleading other deities into the true purpose of this holiday.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myths and Legends
It is told that Torog received his name as he was rumored to be the a supporter or maybe the creator or one of the first trolls, as Toro means in Elvish, Troll-Kind.

Personality Characteristics


Deep within the Underdark, in caverns choked with oppressive darkness, his worship thrives. Jailers and torturers whisper prayers to him, seeking his twisted blessing for their cruel deeds. Even the monstrous denizens of the Underdark revere him, their respect tinged with a healthy dose of fear. Torog is not a god to be trifled with; his dominion is absolute in the realm of eternal night.   Torog isn't merely a god of imprisonment; he's the cruel architect of every cage, the twisted muse behind every act that robs another of their freedom. Slavers and jailers find solace in his dark wisdom, their tools of restraint becoming instruments of his worship.   Torog brooks no rivals in his domain. Like a jealous tyrant, he seeks to crush any who dare encroach on his dominion of torture and imprisonment. Should another deity or power enter his domain with similar aims, Torog unleashes the full might of the Underdark – a suffocating darkness and a tide of monstrous creatures – to ensure his absolute rule over the art of inflicting suffering.


Contacts & Relations

Torog, the King that Crawls, has forged precarious pacts with two other powerful entities of the Underdark: the Spider Queen, and the Lord of the Nine Hells. This stems from a common ground – their realms all serve as prisons of unending torment. Torog allows the souls of deceased drow and duergar to pass into Lolth's Demonweb Pits and Asmodeus' Nine Hells, respectively. This accord, along with a general neutrality towards other faiths, allows Torog's followers a foothold in most Underdark settlements.  
Torog finds himself locked in an eternal struggle with The Raven Queen. On her part, she views Torog's cruelty and relentless torture as a distortion of the natural order. She believes souls should transition peacefully, not be subjected to endless torment. The only point of agreement between Torog and the Raven Queen is their mutual hatred for the undead. Despite their rivalry, priests of both faiths might form temporary alliances to eradicate necromancers who threaten the natural order of death.   In addition, Torog particulary loathe Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath. He views Orcus as a usurper who steals souls meant for his own domain. This animosity translates to open warfare between their followers. Priests of Torog and cultists of Orcus will clash on sight.   However, his most important advesaries are: Sarenrae and Agonis, with Tamara recently taking the lead on the inquisition of the triad against his church.
The Crawling King;
Jailor of Souls;
The Harvester of Agony;
The Troll King;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Neutral Evil
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Enslavement, Underdark, Torture
Darkness (Night, Shadow), Death (Murder), Destruction (Hatred, Torture), Earth (Caves), Healing (Medicine, Restoration), Void (None)
Three pale arms clawing from a dark void
Torturers, Slavers, Jailers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days
The Gauntlet, Night of Atonement

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