Unrol Amoruk Clan Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Unrol Amoruk Clan

Unrol Amoruk Clan, also known Stoneheart Clan is the fourth clan of Khazad-Ram and the original founder of the small then kingdom of Khazad-Ram.   This clan's expertise is in brewing ale, beer and malt. Their underground breweries produce some of the finest spirits in all of Theras and their ales are especially reknown for their unique flavors and the smoothness of their finish.   But the Stonehearts are not just famous for their brewing skills. They are also considered the best gardeners in all of the underground caverns of the underdark. Using their extensive knowledge of plants and fungi, they cultivate vast gardens that produce everything from root vegetables to exotic mushrooms.   Their navigational skills in the underdark are also unrivaled, with many Stonehearts having charted unexplored territories and discovered new paths and shortcuts through the labyrinthine network of underground tunnels.
Founding Date
3085 BB
Ruling Organization
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