Unrol Trumm Clan Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Unrol Trumm Clan

Unrol Trumm Clan, also known as the Stonebeard clan is the largest clan of Khazad-Ram, for they accept dwarves into their clans by merit only and their profession.   Deep beneath the mountains of Khazad-Ram, the Stonebeard clan toil away in their mines, carving out the precious stones and metals that the dwarven kingdom so heavily relies on.


For generations, the clan had been known for their exceptional skills in mining, stonemasonry, and architecture. They had built some of the grandest halls and fortresses of Khazad-Ram, including the grand throne room of the dwarven king.   But their talents extended far beyond the confines of the kingdom. The Stonebeards had established themselves as the premier merchants of the dwarven world, their commerce stretching across kingdoms and continents. They hold a near-monopoly on the precious materials that the kingdoms relies on, and their coffers swelled with the gold and silver that they earned.   However, this wealth did not come without its dangers. The Stonebeards' monopoly had made them many enemies, and they were forced to maintain a strong defense against those who would seek to take their riches. They had built formidable fortresses in the mountains, guarded by the most skilled dwarven warriors and the most powerful magic.   The Stonebeards continued to prosper, thanks to their unparalleled skills and their unwavering defense of their wealth. They remain a vital part of the dwarven kingdom of Khazad-Ram, and their reputation as the finest stonemasons, miners, architects, and merchants in the land only continued to grow.
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