Urdlen Character in Theras | World Anvil

Urdlen (URD-len)

Urdlen, a neutered and sexless being, is the epitome of the evil impulse that rules some gnomes and is feared by the rest. A mindless force of malicious evil and destruction, Urdlen serves as a warning for every Gnome to beware the taint of greed that lies within the Gnomish delight in gems and jewelry. It is telling that gnomes have no myths of how this evil arose, but that they simply fear Urdlen's vicious, life-hating evil and bloodlust. Just as the Crawler Below can burrow into the earth of the Abyss , so it hopes evil will burrow into the hearts and souls of gnomes everywhere. Urdlen thrives on trickery that harms the innocent and the good. It is commonly venerated by evil thieves and fighters, although gnomes from all walks of life have succumbed to its evil taint. Spriggans are said to be the twisted offspring of gnomes who succumbed to Urdlen's taint early in the history of the Hidden Folk, and they honor their god and patron by perpetuating its reign of terror.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The cult of Urdlen operates with utmost secrecy, often resembling a sinister cabal within the communities it infiltrates or a lurking menace on the fringes of society. From their concealed underground lairs, Urdlen's clergy perpetrate a ceaseless assault on the communities of the Hidden Kin, especially targeting the clergy of other gnome deities. In between hunting their prey, these clerics devote themselves to thievery, particularly targeting valuable objects such as gems and artwork, which they then vandalize or destroy. Their penchant for evil and lethal pranks extends to all creatures, including fellow gnomes.  
Clerics of Urdlen pray for their spells at midnight, when the world is buried in darkness. In a customary rite called the Feeding, these clerics seek to placate their deity by offering the blood of slain creatures, pouring it into the earth and interring it. Additionally, valuable jewels and precious metal items are sacrificed to Urdlen through destruction—shattered, tarnished, or melted—before being buried as offerings.

Tenets of Faith

  • Yield to the urge to hate, covet, crush, despoil, and kill.
  • Delight and celebrate in gatherings of death and devastation.
  • Seek to extinguish and obliterate all that is living or born from life.
  • Only the strong endure, while the feeble are mere prey.
  • Offer homage to prevent its wrath from descending upon you.


The Crawl of Midnight
During Midwinter Night, followers of the Crawler Below convene in underground caves to present blood offerings to the deity, seeking to pacify its fury. Should Urdlen find the sacrifices lacking in quantity or quality, it may manifest and mercilessly slaughter all present in a rampage of unchecked devastation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is said that when Tiamat harnessed the power of Abbathor, the goddess had destroyed the only rival she had in the way of greed and her conquest of the world. A feat she had achieved in the 11th century, however she had task the servant as her servant to make sure that one would challenge her.   Urdlen was the only one in her way, however trickery didn't work on him and he had earned her wrath for which she had made many concession to the inhabitants of Hammergrim, empowering the dwarven powers there and giving them many strongholds that they had coveted on the prime material plane and beyond it. Thus, the divine powers there all had made him retreat out of the plane where all the traps and mechanisation of Tiamat, which consumed him with 4 of heads, while the red one was laughing.

Personality Characteristics


The Crawler Below mercilessly crushes all life in its path, seeking to spoil and annihilate everything in its wake. Urdlen embodies a deranged, indiscriminately destructive impulse, symbolized by the blindness of its chosen avatar form. Its erratic actions defy prediction, leaving the intentions behind its malevolent schemes unclear even to the other gnome deities. Urdlen's insatiable appetite craves precious metals, gems, and the lifeblood of humans, humanoids, and demihumans alike.


Contacts & Relations

Urdlen holds a firm position within the Gnome pantheon, though it is widely feared and despised by the Hidden Kin. With intense animosity toward the other gnomish deities, Urdlen has also earned the enmity of dwarven and Halfling gods, as well as
The Crawler Below;
The Burrowed Terror;
The Abyssal Spite;
Shadow in the Tunnels;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power, Aspect of Tiamat
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Greed, Bloodlust, Evil, Hatred, Uncontrolled impulse, Spriggans
Chaos (Demodand, Entropy), Darkness (Loss), Earth, Erosion, Evil (Cannibalism, Corruuption, Demodand, Fear), Gnome, Trickery, Vermin, Void (Dark Taperstry, Isolation)
White Mole
Assassins, blackguards, gnomes, rogues, spriggans
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Great claw (claw bracer)
Holy Days
The Crawl of Midnight


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