Viceroy Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil


A viceroy is a high-ranking official who represents a monarch or a ruling authority in a particular region or colony.   The role of a viceroy varies depending on many things. In some cases, viceroys have extensive executive powers, acting as the supreme authority in their assigned territory. They may have the ability to make laws, collect taxes, administer justice, maintain the military, and oversee trade and commerce.  

Arasilian Viceroy

The position of the Arasilian viceroy had come into context following the Dukes decision that, since no High Justice King can be legally found, as all of them were assassinated or were otherwise missing, a viceroy is to be instated. While the Viceroy position was traditionally from the Grand house of the Lightflowers, but this tradition stopped the Viceroy is the de-facto leader and not a temporary ruler.  

Grand Prince of Saltis

In the Kingdom of Saltis, the Grand Prince serves as the viceroy to the King of Saltis in his absence; however, they also serving as the king's most trusted advisor and sires the line of regents. While the title of Grand Prince is irrevocable, the role of regent is limited to a year; within the span of that year, the grand prince must find and nominate a worthy member of the royal house to rule as king until the heir is fit to rule on their own.


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