High Justice King Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

High Justice King

High Justice King is the title of the true ruler of Arasil. However by 950 AB, this title is obsolute as the Viceroy of Arasil is in charge of the Kingdom and its noble houses as the Arasilians couldn't agree on an heir to the throne as many were bastards and many were slaughtered before they could decide who will the High Justice King.

Cultural Significance

The Folklore of the people of the Nahrso Empire, spoke of an ancient king that would rise and bring justice to all, happiness, one that would know of healing, Divine magic and Arcane Magic - One that is touched by Celestial and Dragon blood, one to bring forth the end of strife. This myth has orginated sometimes in the Nahrso Empire and influenced House Arasil very much, long before it became the Kingdom it is today, undaunted by anyone.   The Holder of the House was called Justice-Lord long before it became the title of the kings of Arasil.
Unoccupied Poistion
First Holder
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