Weird Ivory Material in Theras | World Anvil

Weird Ivory

Weird Ivory, also known as Grieseland Ivory, is a substance produced in the area controlled by the Grieselandic League and has many uses in art, fashion, and magic. It is the namesake of The Ivory Route which travels throughout the northern parts of Epeoris.


Material Characteristics

Weird ivory gains its name from its superficial resemblance of regular ivory. Naturally growing in curved conic shapes, reminiscent of an elephant's tusk, it has a yellowish off-white color; when exposed to air for long periods of time, it grows an outer layer of fine dark yellow grains which can be easily scraped off with a chisel (or a blade).   Prolonged exposure to air eventually destroys weird ivory, at a rate of approximately 10 pounds a year, but can degrade faster depanding on surface area. If scraped off and properly treated, the grains serve as a conductive agent for spells called Residual Wierd Ivory, making it a common ingredient in a variety of other materials such as Dark Metal.   The aforementioned proper treatment includes grounding the grains to powder, recrystallizing it in a special solution, breaking the crystal, and then grounding it again. This process may be repeated several times, with intermittent periods of exposure to extreme temperatures (-130 to 550 degrees Celsius).
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