Wild Hunt Myth in Theras | World Anvil

Wild Hunt

During Full moon of Luna, there are sighting in the world of wild-hunt parties that venture the world of Theras. It is told that Lune herself, sometimes stand defiant to those parties with her followers against Menas and his hunters.   During these events, the people sometimes spot and remark many fey come to the Prime Material Plane, among other creatures of Carceri and other planes, as all creatures, are welcome to the hunt.

Cultural Reception

The wild hunt frequently traverses from many planes to indulge in the excitement of the chase, to eliminate their target, or to recruit new members.   When seeking thrills, wild hunt members opt for challenging prey or set themselves difficult tasks, aiming to avoid fatal outcomes. However, this leniency ends if the target responds with lethal force. The wild hunt asserts that those who fail to recognize the hunt's non-lethal nature should attribute their demise to their own ignorance.   In some instances, the wild hunt engages in lethal combat, transporting the victim's remains to another plane and disintegrating them if they suspect potential resurrection. If the quarry manages to return to life, the wild hunt's response varies, with repeated targets facing harsher consequences, such as vanishing without a trace or becoming part of the wild hunt's collection of notable prey.   A few of the wild hunts were once mortal individuals captured and transformed by the wild hunt. The rationale behind the wild hunt's pursuit of specific mortals remains unclear, although typically only formidable individuals are targeted. Successfully captured prey undergoes ritual sacrifice and reincarnation as a wild hunt fey the following day. Although most lose memories of their former lives, some retain aspects of their personality, and exceptionally remarkable individuals may retain memories and skills, becoming unique and specialized members of the hunt.


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