BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Lord Alistair Grimsby

A rotund figure voted into the council of nine by the coinpurse in his stubby hands, is a politician of low hanging fruit. He acts as if he rules in the senate of the Highborn treaty when he is merely a penny pincher. He is a rotund man of smaller stature coming in at 158 cm or 5'1". His face is round and chubby with pudgy cheeks, and a large chin only mildly obscured by a large ostentatious cravat. He has his hair slicked back and a large moustache runs down his upper lip. when he smiles his small beady eyes are obscured by his large eyebrows, which is often. He wears many layers of fine fabrics to prove his station or look fancy for the hell of it. However, this leaves him quite sweaty and thus he looks greasy on the hot summer days of the dry summer climate. He talks with a destinguished voice which sounds shoddy from the giddy moievments of his head as he bobs up and down in his chair. Alistair is exciteable like a child, and thus he seams petulant and can get on the nerves of the laise faire sailors he deals with, but he is just happy to eat buiscuits and drink tea with "honorable" and worldly travellers.


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