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One Shot! Treasure hunt


our party of young and inexperienced are approached by a kindly middle aged man claimin to be the descendant of a great hero. He claims to be owed a sizable inherritence locked behind a in a pocket dimension. in it the hero is revealed to be a slightly insane wizard who rigged the place with traps, he was unhinged and tiny messages strewn about the place mock the party constantly. At the end of the dungeon the party encounters a hoard and a Silver Dragon perched atop it. he values their input and allows them to leave with the score

opening exposition

Sun bears down upon the world below. It is the time of Highsummer the year of 812 AB in Theraxis, our third eye moves through the sky soaring like a dragon and settles on a City crested closely to the mountainside of Losaria. On a craggy hill lies the city of Iropolis, capital of the empire and home to the line of Aramis Tissareth. currently the city is in the midst of preperation. Tomorrow the great feast of Elvendawn, Celebration of the Elven god Corellon, the Arch heart. trees bear deep green leaves, flowers and confetti. Tall stone towers are adorned with the crest of the Empire, a black sun on a Red field, and the holy symbol of Corellon, two crescent moons of silver and gold with a 4 pointed star of lavender, . The white stone stands polished in the sun as the golden accents glisten in pure splendour. the city is busy, carts everywhere and even more people going other places. our view closes in on Silverside, on the south-east side of the city.
Among the busy fanfare of Empress avenue, along decadent market stalls and dashing vendours of all kind walk a group of ragtag adventurers who just got to the city on their way to an inn by the Name of The Twin Kobolds. As that front door opens to the loud music kicking up a storm, there is a crowd one could not scoff at, great wood interior with memorabelia from all over the Empire. great red pillows in booths where people gather huddled with wine and games. sitting down at a table, you are greeted by a small person, draconic features, red skin but wears really nice and official clothing in navy blue. kind of like an old timey waiter "what may be your your pleasure this day?" would you like to describe your characters and the drink theyll be ordering...
Elvendawn Brussendar the 20th 813. Corellon's holy day is called Elvendawn, or Midsummer. It is celebrated on the twentieth day of the sixth month, and Commemorates the elves' first emergence from the Feywild. In cities like Esmershys, Isayth, Yer Taurë and Arnfell large festivals with lots of food and wine, games and recollection of myths and stories recent and ancient. The Holy day is celebrated as Midsummer throughout the world. Festivals are set up by communities, but none so large as the elven Festivals.  

Call to action.

if the party asks for rumours one of the kobolds that a sorceror in the city wants people to enter a dungeon in the city for him. After a substatnial amount of time in will enter skinny half silver elf half silver dragon, Meira Quinn.
Little ways into your drinks, you see a thin man in his late 20's with balck hair in a messy bun. light facial hair adorns his cheeks and chin. upon his brow is the faintest scrawling of silver lines on the pale skin. He is a moon elf, but the small nubby horns upon his head betray another part of his heritage, Draconic blood.
After talking to the Kobold the man turns to your table: "greetings and salutations fair travellers. according to Tarreck you seem to be the adventurous type?..... Very well, i have a mission for some daring folks. I was recently given an inherritence that i cannot acces, it requires faring escapades by the Adventurous..... There is a vault of treachery and lies my joker of an Grandfather left me. I need you to enter it and retrieve a singular book for me, the rest of the hoard is yours, can you do that?.......... Meet me tomorrow at the fountain in the centre of Quiraia's Garden in the Palace ward. If the guards give you any pause tell them Master Quinn sent for you.

The fountain

A large circle 15ft in diametre is filled with tranquill water and adorned with some beatiful carvings of the history of the city. namely the siege of 419 AB. There is a plaque that has some text and seven gems on it a row of four circled in green and a row of 3 circled in red. You see, a Lapis, Opal, Pearl, Emerald, Nuumite, Garnet and Diamond. The stones have no dicernable way that theyre attached. The text above it reads.
Im like arms for a Hug, A book for reading, and Eyes for seeing. what am I? Im OPEN
  The fountain opens into a mass of dark stars and night sky with a pull beckoning you forward.  

Cathedral room

As you jump in you are engulfed in purple, blue and pink lights, the rushing overwhelms your senses as and as you open your eyes again you find yourself in a beautiful cathedral hall. tall walls open up into that same nebulous "Night sky", with banners depicting strange symbols and battles long forgotten. the floor is beautifully tiled and laid out like a mosaic but at your feet lies a notice.
Brave souls who entered. the chalenges you'll face are fierce. They'll test your wits, strength and your sanity. but at the end take a leap of faith will ya?

the pit

the edge of the room flows into a hallway. In the middle there are some stones missing making a 10 ft gap. beyond that the hallway continues into the dark.
  • jumping over the pit and walkimg the length of the hallway 
  • will teleport the player back to a different banner
  • jumping into the pit the player will see spikes aproaching that fade into a fogg cloud that carries them to safety.

the bear trap

A stone room stands in front of you empty except for the murals of woodland and a open bear trap in front of you. at the other side of the chamber is a large metal door.
  • the key for the door is on the beartrap. taking it needs a DC20 dex check to not get hurt
  • anyway it goes, the trap springs and a bear is spawned. it is friendly unless provoked. hes a brown bear with a purple vest and a Top hat. his name is Perry and he is willing to trade the key for snacks or company.
  • Perry will not part with the key undre any other circumstances.

The animal room

A beautiful room with braziers and tapestries lies open in front of the group A riddle written in a language only ONE of the party members speaks is written on the wall in glowing letters. along with several doors of fine wood. one depicting a roaring Chimera, A Unicorn prancing and a Dragon spewing fire.
  • open the door with the chimera the player will take 3d6 poison damage
  • open the door with the unicorn and suffer 3d6 piercing damage
  • open the door with the Dragon and pass through
I slumber in myth, where kingdoms hold sway; with fire and flight, I roar and I prey. What am I?
Answer: Dragon

The manequin challenge

as the next room opens the riddles have started to weigh. a small drinking fountain, with a flowing red liquid, and a table with some bread. when you continue the door before you has another riddle.
In tales of old, I shine so bright, guarded by dragons who shun the light. Many seek me, few will find; tell me, seeker, what is my kind? What am I?
Answer: Treasure
opening the door reveals the following room.
:THere is a large circular room with pillars and alcoves with horrizontal shelves. on them seems to be bundles of things. though you cant make them out from this distance. and In the centre of the room, on top of several plateaus. stands a manequin with nothing on it at the moment, on the ground before it stands a helmet in gold.
  • picking the helmet up will trigger the following Descriptor
  • The ground shakes as from the walls an veritable army of skeletal ghosts appear. some armour rotten and rusted, others plain and metal. but some gleaming in Treasure and Gold. The combat starts with one Alchemist skeleton and 10 Skeleton minions. (with 5 more joining if necessary)
  • Gathering all the gold parts will open the floor and they fall down a stone slide untill meeting with a vault door

The vault: the Final Riddle

Before your feat stands a tall vault door. big enough to fit an elephant. its looks to be solid gold and platinum, the scrawlings are in an ancient form of Draconic and the artwork depicts several dragons encircling Theraxis from the Atmosphere. there is a lecturn of wood, wiht three keys, one Rusted, one of Wrought iron and one of gold and platinum.
The riddle: It can Pierce the best armour, and make swords crumble, yet for all its power it can not harm a wooden club
Answer: Rust
The Door opens and before you glimmers the silver and gold shine of treasure and the unmistakibly gigantic form of a Silver dragon. Who smiles curiously at you. They give you a regal bow and you can see all the details on their maginficent scaly exterior. the Wings stretch a little and you see the faintest glimmers of diamond and lapis among the folds.   Maira has a beautiful tall, spined frill that begins at the top of its head and flows all the way down its neck and body to the tip of its tail. The frill is silver towards the body, fading to a purple hue at the edge. Its face resembles a shield-like plate, and also has a pronounced sharp frill around its ears and under the chin, which has the rough appearance of a human's goatee beard. It has a pointed tongue. They have two straight, long, smooth silver horns with black tips, pointing up and back from the head. They smell faintly of rain. The shiny scales of adult silver dragons are so small that from a distance, they almost appear to be made of solid metal.
"My sincerest apologies for the intrusion and deception. i consider it prudent that i introduce myself formally. I am Maira Quinnvaris, The Daring. son of Gymayrith, Lord of all Silver dragons. I did not mean to lead you astray. i merely wished to reward the adventurous spirit i noticed in your hearts and minds. This hoard was mine but since you beat my challenges i bid thee take these as tokens of strength.¨

Maira Quinnvaris

Son of Gymayrith, The Swift, Maira is the curious sort. Travelling the lands of the Gray mountains and Myrto to discover new andventurers.       A DC 10 History check will reveal this: They enjoy association with humans more than most other species of dragon, and often use magic to assume human form. They are kind and helpful to others, and happy to assist those who need their help, although out of respect for human cultures' the right of self-determination they rarely intervene until asked. One unusual trait they have i the love of human dining; moreover, they use their alternate form ability to take part in large feasts.
Now let us Return and enjoy Elvendawn, Regail me in stories and may i hear from your later deeds in good health.


A total of 8.074 gp worth of coins, art objects, and/or gems, as follows: 6.144 gp in coinage:
  • 190 pp
  • 2.800 gp
  • 14.000 sp
  • 4.400 cp
10 gp gemstones (×8; worth 80 gp total):
  • Eye agate (translucent circles of gray, white brown, blue, or green)
  • Moss agate (translucent pink or yellow-white with mossy gray or green markings)
  • Obsidian (opaque black), ×2
  • Turquoise (opaque light blue-green)
  • Rhodochrosite (opaque light pink), ×3
50 gp gemstones (×5; worth 250 gp total):
  • Onyx (opaque bands of black and white, or pure black or white)
  • Jasper (opaque blue, black, or brown), ×2
  • Moonstone (translucent white with pale blue glow)
  • Bloodstone (opaque dark gray with red flecks)
100 gp gemstones (×3; worth 300 gp total):
  • Spinel (transparent red, red-brown, or deep green)
  • Tourmaline (transparent pale green, blue, brown, or red)
  • Chrysoberyl (transparent yellow-green to pale green)
500 gp gemstones (×1; worth 500 gp total):
  • Blue spinel (transparent deep blue)
25 gp art objects (×2; worth 50 gp total):
  • Cloth-of-gold vestments
  • Small gold bracelet
250 gp art objects (×3; worth 750 gp total):
  • Carved ivory statuette
  • Large well-made tapestry: Depicting the great god Bahamut
  • Gold bird cage with electrum filigree
5 mundane items:
  • Several embroidered throw pillows depicting wyrmling dragons
  • A crude flute with a pleasing sound
  • A painting by an artist long forgotten by everyone except the dragon
  • A jar with a dead illithid tadpole floating in preserving chemicals
  • Book on forgotten Lore, about Starlight Switches and a dead God by the Name of Arawn
Magic Items
  • Potion of Healing
  • Potion of Healing
  • Bag of Holding
  • Potion of Greater Healing
Magic Items (Table D)
  • Spell Scroll (7th level) Plane shift
  • Bag of Tricks, Gray
  • Sword of Sharpness, Longsword of Sharpness
  • +3 Weapon, +3 Greatsword
  • Ring of Water Walking
Irileth had envisioned a great city, a bastion of civilization east of the Gray mountains in a certain part of the countryside.   That city is now the great metropolis of Iropolis, Capital of the Losarian Empire, seat of the Monarch of Myrto. It for long was a city state much like the great cities north of the river Irileth. The idea of a continental empire was never the intent of Irileth the Settler. Such ideas came from her offspring of House Eraseth and wouldn't be realized until Isabella proclaimed herself Empress of Losaria.   Iropolis consists of 6 districts, and as a capital with a population of 175.000, there are important buildings all throughout those districts. This includes Embassies, Guild houses, and temples. In the city there are specific temples to all gods except for Melora, Sehanine and Avandra, somewhere in the past the worship of these Gods was deemed as deviant and thus you would be hard pressed in finding temples in this city


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