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Heavily fortified, Twinebreach is unique in the Riverlands. Situated on the Thero-Losarian border, the Tinker town forms an important line of defense and has thus seen its fair share of sieges and skirmishes. Home to some of the brightest minds in Gnomish engineering, Twinebreach is a beacon of new and exciting Artificy.


Heavily fortified, Twinebreach is unique in the Riverlands. Situated on the Thero-Losarian border, the Tinker town forms an important line of defense and has thus seen its fair share of sieges and skirmishes. Home to some of the brightest minds in Gnomish engineering, Twinebreach is a beacon of new and exciting Artificy.
The City is divided into 3 districts that have their own varied functions.

Tower Hill

Located in the south east is the rich neighbourhood of the Tower hill. Its defining feature being the magnificent stonebuilt, towering keep, the Hill is where the rich and powerful of the city have gathered, removed from the fumes and tubes of the Artisans. Twinebreach Tower is home of the Lords of House Pallent and the city's dungeons. Rising above the Hill are the tall spires of the Citadel of the Blazing Sun. Golden yellow roof tiles lay upon a large dome mimicking a rising sun coming form the top of the citadel. Its purpose as a church to the god Pelor on display for all to venerate. The Citadel opens up into a large market square where people from the province and beyond trade for the products of the city. On the southside of the square stands the Waterside Academy, a university established to foster the discovery of Artificry and enchanting. it has since expanded to a place where children of the city can to learn when their parents cant teach them.

Tinker town

Windmills stretch high as they power forges and engines. Pipes and lines stretch across the streets between buildings. Tinker town stands as one giant workshop. Here the craftsmen of the city build to create and discover. Where some workers neighbourhoods foster competition, Tinker town fosters collaberation. This isnt to say that there is no competition to be found, the town regularly has games and bets among the craftsmen. The Gnomish denizens love to build elaborate machines to do mundane tasks, and make simple machines do complex things. At the ringing of the bells of Father's grace the gloves come off and the tankards are filled. The many taverns get filled with raucous celebration. The most extreme of which happens in the Sunveil Gardens on Tavern Row. The Gardens were several taverns and inns that were built into one another and have now combined to form a large block of bar. Life in the Town is dictated by the church of Father's Grace, a temple to the crafting god Moradin.


On the north east side of the city, lies the quiet and humble neighbourhood of Breachpart. A spot of respite to the deafening and near unending movement of Tinkertown. Breachpart is quite simple, and most of the people who live there are farmers or less involved in the crafting of Tinkertown. Breachpart is home to Ser Gawain Grannd, captain of the Therosian guard. Across the street from his estate stands the tall gothic halls of Blachrung Church, whose bells ring at the end of the day, dubbed the Bell of Day's death.


Unusual for a city in the former kingdom of Vandrill, Twinebreach has the lowest percentage of human population. Humans acount for 61% of the population of the city, followed by the Gnomish who account for 20% of the population. the other 19 percent accounts for various peoples such as dwarves, elves, halflings, etc.


The Lands, also known as the Shire or County, of Twinebreach are ruled by Lady Eris of House Pallent. A human whose family has claimed dominion over Twinebreach since the fall of Vandrill. The family falls in what some have come to call "the Old Blood". The justice of the city is handeld by the Reeve.


The high walls are topped with pwerful balista capable to of taking down flying creatures and large beasts

Industry & Trade

As part of the Breadbsket of the Republic, Twinebreach farmers till the fertile land and provide a steady base for the crafters to survive. They on their turn create many things, weapons, magical items and rudimentary golems. However those trades and creations are sparse, the city is the current lead in magical farming tools.


The city is dappeld with windmils and pumps that allow the many workshops and halls to function. Some shops work on magical items while others focus on civic works.

Guilds and Factions

Artisans guild

quite posibly the most powerful faction in the city, the Guild represents the workers and craftsmen and carefully dances with the powers of house Pallent.

House Pallent

"The Old Blood" is one of the most powerfull families in the Republic, they hold many aliances and control the guards of the city and the Shire.


the city is built with classic timberframed houses, the 3 neighbourhoods have their own style yet they fit together to create a cohesive city.    in Tinkertown copper pipes and large metal wires stretch across the white and dark oak houses, roofs are made with dark ceramic plates to create a crowded latice work of streets, alleyways and roofs.   The houses on Towerhill stretch tall and the materials are worked with more finely. the homes have an air of importence about them. The Citadel at the centre of the city is tall and wid, clad in white marble and rich orange gold terra cotta.   Breachpart employs the same buildings as Towerhill, yet more subtle and less lavish. This is juxtaposed severely by the Blachrung Church. Built out of black stone it is the exact oposite to both the surrounding homes and the Citadel down the road. Blachrung is heavily embalished in black stone and the roof is a deep maroon like a freshly dried blood.


The climate of the Riverlands is ideal for agriculture, as it is located in a temperate inland zone. Winters get heacy but summers create the perfect conditions for bountiful harvest, thouroughly establishing the Riverlands as the Breadbasket of the Republic.
Inhabitant Demonym
Twins, Breachfolk, Twinkers


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