Avarian (Ah-Vah-Ree-Anne)

Avarian, much like Nirien, are a common and widespread species across the galaxy. They are very sought after by people due to their exotic coloration, sensual tendencies and curvy figures. They live in the planet Nerall.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

They all have long hair, though the length varies between individual, it’s not seen with well eyes to cut their hair too short, of course there have been some exceptions to the rules. Their hair is also 99% of the time snow white, with slight exceptions being light colors like cream or frosty blue. They all have the same type of ears with fluffy fur inside them with the same cream coloration as the rest of their skin.    Continuing on the topic of their skin, it’s divided into 3 zones. The cream colored zone has the exact same shading for every member of the species, discrepancies in this trait are few and extremely far between.    The second zone is a thick line with a very dark coloration that divides the former from a colorful gradient zone. This zone is never black, just a darker color than the rest. The gradient colored zone covers most of their skin and can have from 2 to 6 tones. The 4 horns are mainly for show and attracting mates, as they serve no other function. They are never tiny and almost always remain single, never splitting into 2 or more horns.    Their feet are similar to feline feet and they always walk on their tips, which is no problem for them due to their great sense of balance. Their internal organs have abnormal elasticity, meaning they can adapt rather easily to various conditions and planets, making it easy for them to spread themselves among the stars.   Concerning albinism and Hyperpigmentation. Both traits are extremely rare, the latter being the rarest, making Avarian look dark and almost black, these latter ones can be violent while the albinos tend to be more passive, this is due to a mutation in their cerebral chemistry as a residue of the physical mutation.

Genetics and Reproduction

Concerning mating, Avarian can mate successfully with various humanoid species and are able to give birth, but their DNA is very strong, meaning almost always the child will look 100% Avarian, in cases where hybrids exhibit traits of their alien parent, they might also be weaker and more susceptible to sickness early on, but might grow to be stronger than pureblood avarian.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivores, being able to eat both plants and animals, but they prefer a more fruit based diet, only using small meat portions.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Their government system is based on a royal family where the Queen is the ruling member. Under her serves a grand council of nobles from around the world, and the council of 24 take care of most of the planet but on difficult times or times of war the queen will command over them all.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

concerning their dressing customs, they are very revealing. Females 90% of the time have their whole breasts exposed and choose to cover their vaginas instead, likewise males most of the time are topless and both sexes have a common fascination with different piercings, mainly nipple piercings. They don’t get tattoos though since they think it ruins their natural coloration. Sometimes they may cover themselves depending the planet they’re in, but it would be with still revealing clothing. It’s also common to see females only covering their nipples.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Avarian can end up working in any sort of scenario, since their personalities are as fluid as a human’s, except albinos and hyperpigmented avarian, the rest aren’t pre-determined to behave in any specific way. That being said, their exotic looks end up getting them good positions in society, no matter the planet they inhabit. Avarian society is very liberal in nature, meaning same sex couples are very well accepted and pose about 30% of the population in the homeworld.

Common Myths and Legends

Avarians don’t have a common religion, they practice religions from other planets. Once they did share a common global god, but all that’s left from those times are ruins of grand temples long desolated.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Avarian come from the planet Nerall, and are actually somewhat close to Paxillion’s System, the planet of the Nirien, also due to the similarities between the species, they consider themselves cousins, and relations between the two systems has always been strong.
A normal Avarian may live from 90-130 years old, similar to that of humans, thought they reach maturity at age 16-17.
Average Height
they are very short, ranging from 4’5” to 5’5”, anything above from that is considered gigantic.


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