Flaonians (Flah-Oh-Nee-Annes)

Flaonians are a species of plant-like sentient beings that live in the planet Forion found on the eastern edge of the Empire Border sector of the galaxy.

Basic Information


Flaonians are the dryads of the Therea galaxy, beings that, while clearly animal and sentient, resemble and even have traits similar to plants. To start, members of the species have long pointed leaf-like ears, darker sclera with bright irises, groves on their bodies and leaf or petal hair. Aside from these common things, males and females have a whole host of traits that are endemic to one and not the other.  

Male Flaonian

The males of the species are more similar in appearance to trees, they are taller, have longer arms, branch like horns and leafy hair. The grooves of their body spiral and twist, like the stylized grain in wood. These patterns can be found spread out across the entire body. Their silhouette is also sharper, with jutting points or edges being common in their joints like their shoulders or elbows, looking more like they were roughly cut from wood.   When it comes to their coloration, for the most part they can have colors similar to the trees we know like a red maple, oak, pine, aspen and the like. their bodies would have the colors of the trunk and the hair the color of the leaves. Speaking of colors, most of their leaves have a bit of a gradient, with it being darker closer to the head and lighter towards the end of the hair.   Males also have many gradient and soft tone shifts in their body, with lighter areas being in their bellies and groin, face and inside the ears and darker areas in the tops of their arms and legs, as well as their horns. If the tree the male is based on has some sort of pattern like Birch trees do for example, this patterns would be see through much of the body except for the lighter zones mentioned before. Normally these darker zones are also harder, making them sturdy.   While females are more similar to flowers than males are, both males and females can look like flowering trees. In this case, a male would look less like one individual flower, and more like the entire tree, with little flowers showing up maybe around areas on the body and mainly in his leafy hair.  

Female Flaonian

The females on the other hand, look like flowers instead of trees. They are considerably shorter, with more human like proportions, no horns, colorful and detailed eyelashes and petal like hair. Like males they also have grooves on their bodies, but these are simpler, sleeker and look more like the edges of petals resting against their skin instead of wood grain. These groves are also scarcer on females, showing more of their softer skin.   While their silhouette is softer then that of males, their bodies can also reflect the flower they mimic, from the flower's leaves in their limbs, thorns and ridges like on roses, or brightly colored bulbs poking from their skin that look like the flower's anther.   The colors of a female flaonian tend to be bright and vibrant, their bodies a mix of green gradients the same colors of their flower's leaves and stem, while their hair have the colors of the flower's petals. Unlike males however, much of their bright petal colors can also be found in their genitals, with the inner part of their vagina and nipples sharing the same color as their petals, the same also happens with their lips. Their eyes however can be any bright color found in the flower. It can also happen that they show certain patterns of the color of their petals in their bodies.   Similar to males, the darker zones of their bodies would be their extremities, their back and around their forehead or the top of their eyes and their neck.   While males tend to have sharper fingers overall, females have slightly curving claws they use to manipulate small and delicate things in their daily lives.  


"Druids" are both male and female individuals who are born with specific traits or mutations. These are so rare in their society that they have been mythologized. Both males and females can be born with extra traits like 4 arms instead of 2, retractable thorn like claws in their fingers, "vine" tentacles sprouting from their back or head, and a third "eye" in the middle of their forehead.   The vines they sprout from their back can be smooth, thorny, covered in leaves or flowers. They can also look like a flower's stem if on females or be covered in bark if on males. From 1 to 6 tentacles show up on the druids, and these can be controlled to a degree depending on the individual.   Some can control their tentacles completely, while some only partially. They can also vary in length, and druids can control how long they become, to a maximum of 8ft long. Those with more control can retract them pretty much all the way, keeping their backs smooth. When they do so, it doesnt seem like the tentacles enter inside their bodies, but rather their body absorb and disperse the material used to create the tentacles, as if they were never there to begin with.   Their third eye is host to a number of impressive abilities. its not well understood, but it seems that when the third eye of the druid opens, they can communicate in some ways with plants. While some say they only get glimpses or ideas, others express being able to have full conversations with the flora around them. Another ability of the third eye, is to be able to enhance their pheromones, sharpening them to a degree that sentient life feel powerful episodes of the emotion the Flaonian is conveying. This event even makes the pheromones visible, showing up as glowing stardust around them of various colors.   Druids are also called the equalizers of the Flaonians. This is because the differences between male and female archetype are blurred. Males are shorter, while females are bigger, both about the 5'9" to 6'3" size range. Their proportions are also more similar, with males having shorter arms and horns, while females can be a tad bulkier with broader shoulders but still keeping their curves.   Druids are also stronger, faster, and more resistant to damage and temperatures. These sturdy flaonians also have less problems being in space for extended periods of time. Druids also live about 500 years, less than males and more than females.

Genetics and Reproduction

Female Flaonian pregnancies last about 7 months, with very reduced discomfort compared to many other species. Once the Sapling is born it’s given its first taste of Sun Nectar from their mother’s breast. For the first year or two while the mother is attending to the Sapling, her community and the father will help with taking care of the mother’s daily duties in the community.
    Sun Nectar consumed by a woman of the species can have a percentage of it saved up in their mammary glands, making them grow bigger. Each woman has their maximum size when it comes to storing nectar, and it’s usually about 4 cups larger than her normal size.   This is a conscious action the woman takes completely independent of if she's pregnant or not. Meaning they can chose to store up nectar and lactate whenever. Much like a camel's humps, they can even later on dissolve the nectar stored in their breasts if they are too far from a god tree and need the energy.   Males can store a limited quantity too, but with them it thickens into a more Syrup or sap consistency. They can secret it through cracks in their bodies or through their urethra to help with sex. Sun Sap used like this will have an aphrodisiac effect on females of all species.   When it comes to genetics, a Flaonian baby of a couple can result in a plant based on the colors of the father, based on the colors of the mother or a mixture of both. For example, if the mother is a red rose Flaonian, and the father is a yellow birch tree, the child could be a yellow rose, a yellow birch, a red rose, a red maple tree, an orange birch or an orange tulip. The type of tree or flower isn’t as defining as the color.   Concerning druids, their traits dont seem to have anything to do with genetics. They arent inherited, no combination of parents is 100% sure to create a druid, and even though they have tried extensively, druidic traits can neither be enforced nor eliminated in future generations by genetic manipulation.

Growth Rate & Stages


A seedling is an infant Flaonian, the equivalent of a 0-5yo human. Seedlings are delicate babies with various shades of green skin, no petals or branches and only hints of the grooves and marks they will develop in adulthood. Seedlings are very delicate and require constant sun nectar in order to quickly develop.  


A Flaonian Sapling is the child stage of their development, the equivalent of a 6-16yo human. Here they start to show some of the traits they will have in their adult life. The males start showing signs of the proportions they’ll have when they mature and their skin starts shifting to a more wooden tone. Females start growing their petals and both of them begin learning about their society and the roles they could play in it. If for the first 5 years of their life they were actively drinking Sun Nectar daily, Saplings mature into adulthood in just 10 years of age. If this is not the case, Saplings will instead mature in 30 years. This is more common in off world Flaonian.  


An adult Flaonian is now a fully functioning member of society, their bodies fully grown to resemble a tree or flower on males and females respectively. Here is where you can see the full range of the Flaonian species and all their shapes and colors.  


A sage Flaonian is an elder, one that has reaches the last years of their life. Their colors have become more dull, males have overgrown branches and bark sections, while females have long and withered petals. While more delicate than before, Sages are wise members of society, and on their day of passing, their bodies slowly dissolve back into sun nectar, and are buried in the roots of their God Trees. Males of the species live much longer than females at a staggering 1k years while females only reach a maximum of 200

Ecology and Habitats

Flaonians can be found in various numbers in all the biomes of their world, from deserts to jungles and the northern forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Flaonians are a mostly vegetarian species, only eating meat in very rare cases. Aside from this they are very reliant on "Sun Nectar". Sun Nectar is the liquid produced by their God Trees. Its nutrient rich and keeps them energized and alert. If left without it for extended periods of time they'll become slower of both body and mind. Because fo this, they tend to bring stores of it everywhere they go.   Since they are really good at manipulating the genetic code of their flora, they can create fruits with different flavors, consistencies and even some effects like relaxing them and keeping them awake among others.    in ancient times, most Flaonians also relied heavily on a trait they dont use much now which is photosynthesis. Using their leaves and petals they can absorb the light of stars to fuel them to a degree, but since they needed to remain in place for extended periods of time to fuel themselves less than what a small ammount of sun nectar can do, the practice is now only done in emergencies.


Males of the species are more docile, calm and temperate. They will only anger in extreme situations and prefer to keep themselves levelheaded at all times. Females of the species on the other hand are very passionate and quick to action. They can be very emotional and the males very disconnected, but none of these qualities make them dull or slow witted.   However peaceful they are, Druids are not afraid of confrontation, and use their abilities to protect others.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Since males tend to live far longer, they are more involved in roles that require wisdom and long-term planning, such as leadership or teaching. Females, on the other hand, are more involved in roles that drive change and innovation. Many of them can be found in roles like bio-engeneering and genetically manipulate their foods and plants.

Average Intelligence

Regardless of males being slower and deliberate, and females being quick and passionate, they are incredibly smart, contrary to uneducated assumptions.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Flaonian are highly attuned to nature, and even more to their own world. Because of this they have an innate feeling that hints to the presence of a primordial force in an area, such as Void energy.   They also produce pheromones that convey feelings and emotions and subtle messages to each other.   Druids of the species also go through what they call their "Green Dreams", visions that speak to them in a personal level, pulling them off-world and showing them hints of their true mission in their lives. This mission will be unique to each druid, and some may be able to get clearer visions than others, especially if they are proficient with their third eye.    because of this, Druids are increesingly rare in their home world, since at some point in life, they all leave their home, never to return.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Flaonian names are deeply connected to nature and their environment and are divided in 3 main stages, Seedling names, Sapling names and Blossom names.    When a flaonian is born, they are only given their family name. Family names are melodious sounding, and making reference to an aspect of nature and an act the family is known for.     At the time they reach the Sapling stage, they are given a name that represents a physical characteristic or trait. this can be something related to the plant they look like or their color. For this period of time, this name becomes their first name, and their seedling name passes to be their last name.    When they fully mature and become Blossoms, they get their final name. this name is self chosen and derived from the culture's ancient tongue. This name to us would sound very greek. this name then passes on to be their first name, their sapling name is their middle name and their seedling name is their last name.    Examples of family names:  Seasprint, Cloudcarve, Leafcure, Thorndance   Sapling name examples:  Rosean, Azuriel, Aspendi, Ivorian, Blaken   Blossom name examples:  Helena, Athena, Maia, Xander, Orion   So an example of the name of a full blossom Flaonian could be "Julius Yelion Cliffsing"

Major Organizations


The Flaonian military and police force are collectively known as the "Sentinels". They are responsible for maintaining peace, enforcing laws, and protecting the Flaonian society and environment.   The role of the Sentinels is not just to enforce laws but also to educate the public about the importance of living in harmony with nature and each other. They are respected figures in Flaonian society, embodying the principles of balance, respect, and harmony that the Flaonians hold dear.   Sentinels undergo rigorous training in conflict resolution, survival skills, and understanding of Flaonian laws. They are also trained in the use of bio-organic technology for defense and law enforcement purposes.   They wear armor that is bio-engineered from the bark of their strongest trees, providing them with natural camouflage and protection. Their armor is adorned with symbols of their commitment to protect their people and nature, and each Sentinel carries a bio-engineered staff known as a "Protectorate", which serves both as a symbol of their authority and a tool for defense.   Regardless of typical differences of roles in society for both males and females, you can find both males and females as part of the Sentinels. The long-lived and calm males provide stability, wisdom, and long-term strategic thinking to the Sentinels. Their longevity allows them to accumulate vast amounts of knowledge and experience, which could be crucial in making wise decisions for the safety of their society.    On the other hand, the shorter-lived, quick, and passionate females bring dynamism, quick decision-making, and a strong drive to protect their community. Their fiery personalities are greatl in situations that require immediate action and decisive leadership.   

The Gardeners

The gardeners are a guild of flaonians who specialize in bio-organic technology. these are responsible for growing their cities, ships and infrastructure. They also manage the micro guilds under them, such as the clothing and food producing guilds.

Relationship Ideals

Being longer-lived, slower, more temperate, and soft-spoken, male Flaonians are seen as sources of wisdom and stability in their relationships. Their longevity would allow them to accumulate vast amounts of knowledge and experience, which they could share with their partners and their community. Their calm and steady nature would provide a comforting presence in times of change or crisis.   With shorter lifespans, female Flaonians would likely live their lives with a sense of urgency and passion. They would be the driving force behind new ideas and changes in their society. Their outgoing and passionate nature would bring energy and dynamism to their relationships.   The relationships between male and female Flaonians would likely be characterized by a balance of stability and change. The males, with their calm and steady nature, would provide a grounding influence, while the females, with their energy and passion, would drive growth and transformation. This dynamic would ensure that their society continues to evolve while maintaining its connection to its roots.   Since males of the species live for longer, its not uncommon to have multiple partners through the length of their lives, however they always honor their previous mates by keeping a "Mate Shield", a sort of plaque in a wall decorated to look like their previous partner, with leaves and petals mimicking their appereance.

Average Technological Level

Flaonians value the balance between nature and technology. Their technology is bioengineered from the plants and minerals of their world, causing minimal harm to their environment. They believe in living in harmony with nature, and their laws reflect this belief.    Flaonians have mastered the art of manipulating the genetic code of their planet’s flora. They can engineer plants to grow into specific shapes and structures, effectively “growing” their buildings and tools. These grown buildings are shaped over time by skilled Flaonian bio-engineers. The cities glow at night with the soft light emitted by bio-luminescent plants.This results in cities that are living, breathing ecosystems in themselves.    They also harness the power of photosynthesis on a massive scale. Throught the years, they have even changed up the genetic code of their Sun Trees to act as solar collectors, absorbing sunlight and converting it into usable energy. This energy is the Sun Nectar the trees produce. While in the past the trees could still produce a type of Sun Nectar, now its a lot more efficient and reliable.    its also important to note that their medicine is highly advanced, using genetically engineered plants to produce a variety of medicinal compounds. They can treat many diseases by simply adjusting the diet of the patient. Basically, they create fruits and plants that have an altered genetic code that serves as medicine for the person consuming it.    Flaonian spaceships are grown rather than built. They use a special type of tree on their planet that can grow in the vacuum of space. The growth of these trees is carefully controlled and directed to form the structure of the spaceship. Over time, the tree forms a solid, spaceship-like structure. The shell of these ships is incredibly strong and metal like, very similar to the hardened wood in their buildings. The interior however is softer and easier to shape, so when the outside is completed its then hollowed out to create the interior.    The spaceships look organic, resembling giant seeds or pods. They have a smooth, streamlined shape designed for efficient travel through space. However when you look closely you can see the crisscrossing pattern of the wood grain. The exterior is tough and resilient, capable of withstanding the harsh conditions of space.    The interior is filled with bioluminescent plants that provide light and help recycle air. Aside from those plants, the interior basically looks like a smaller contained forest, with the plants growing there helping with life support. I'ts basically a closed ecosystem of plants that recycle air and waste, providing the Flaonians with a constant supply of fresh air and nutrients.

Common Dress Code

Flaonians dress in outfits crafted from genetically modified plants, whose leaves are grown to show different traits like transparency, toughness, softness and various shapes. The unifying designs of the species are a white base for the outfit, large zones of bright color normally tied to the colors of the flaonian, like red for a rose flaonian for example, transparent petals or leaves of that same color and black detailing and edges.    Sometimes jewelry can me made from the seedpods or other areas of the plants they made their clothes from. The balance among these different zones in their clothing can change depending on the individual, like having more of the bright color that white, or more black, but all of these sections are always in their outfits.    However, the way these outfits are worn differ between the sexes. Males adopt a more monk-like apparel, wearing long robes, or wrapping their hips and legs in large white leaves, with detailing like earings or scarves made from the transparent petals.    Female flaonians on the other hand are far more expressive with their outfits, using them to accentuate their traits. They often dress in revealing outfits that have room for their expanding breasts or other such freedoms. They can also adjust their clothing to fit the shape of those found offworld rather easy by manipulating the leaves and petals that compose them.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Work in Flaonian society is not seen as a chore but as a contribution to the community. Flaonians choose their occupations based on their skills and interests, leading to high job satisfaction and productivity.   Flaonians choose their occupations based on their skills and interests. There is no hierarchy of jobs - all occupations are valued for their contributions to society. This includes the Sentinels, who protect Flaonian society and the environment.   Family units are typically large and extended, with several generations living together. This allows the young to learn from the experiences and wisdom of the elders   Decisions that affect the community are made collectively, with each member having a voice. They believe in finding solutions that benefit the whole community and the environment. For the most part then, even saplings will be able to voice concerns in their family during their large meetings. This also means that while everyone's opinions are valid, there is a patriarch and matriarch, the wisest male and the most experienced female to organize these meetings.    Even in cities, residential districts are organized in little villages where large families live, while still having access to others, like the branches in a tree.

Common Taboos

The destruction of balance it, be it through technology, military action or pollution of the environment are horrible things to consider for Flaonians, and while they are peaceful and preffer to stay away from confrontation, they will keep their distance, if not openly denounce those that entertain these concepts or ideas.

Common Myths and Legends

Flaonian Religion is called Verdism, and its the belief that every aspect of nature has a spirit, from the oceans to every blade of grass. They feel connected to the nature around them and their duty is to respect it as much as possible. they put incredible importance in the Cycle of life, the belief that everything has a role to play in life and that it's cyclical, with the death of one thing fueling the birth of the next.   The use of bio-organic technology strengthens the Flaonians' spiritual connection with nature. By growing their buildings and bio-engineering their cities and food, they are actively participating in the Cycle of Life, a central belief in Verdism. This practice allows them to experience their faith in a tangible way every day.   Regarding Druids, some might see them as a violation to the natural cycle of Forion, but many of the Verdism religion see them as messengers of the spirits, a pure Flaonian letting his spirit speak through him, the perfect union of body and soul.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Flaonians believe in peaceful coexistence and strive to establish diplomatic relations with other species. They have ambassadors who are skilled in inter-species communication and diplomacy. They're also fascinated by the diversity of life in the universe. They are eager to learn about the cultures of other species and share their own in return. They often host cultural exchange programs on their planet.   While not being the most common species due to their love and commitment to Forion, they can be seen in nature rich planets and space stations, trying to advocate for environmental protection and learning about people's cultures.
Males live for about 1k years, females live for about 200
Average Height
Males: 7-9ft tall Females: 4'10" to 6ft tall
Flaonian male Druid
Female flaonian after storing sun nectar
male flaonian genitalia
female flaonian genitalia
Proportion differences between genders and druids
A male and female flaonian from the same floral tree


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