Ixodel (Eeks-Oh-Dael)

Ixodel are an alien species indigenous to the planet Ixion in the outer core of the Therea Galaxy

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Ixodel are a species that very closely resembles humans, with only their coloration being the only distinction at first view. They are very pale skinned with snow white hair, pink/purple eyes and white pupils. They are born with lineal or geometric patterns on their body the same color as their eyes. In dim or low light, these markings, along with their eyes give off a glow. It has also been noted that either by natural or artificial means, the species generally as a whole keeps themselves in a pristine state of health.   Aside from the outer appearance difference to typical humans, Ixodel also have a slightly stronger body, and a longer life span, generally living to be about 230 years old. This species is thought to actually be a descendant from earlier humans that got split off somewhere along the beginning of the galactic exploration era, which would explain their similarities and just how different they are from other natural born aliens.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Ixodel are a matriarchal society, with generally women having leading roles in Ixion. However this doesn't completely exclude males from getting positions of power, but females are preferred for them. The ruling body of the planet is composed of Royal families ruling over their own continent, each having a seat in a planetary council to decide on matters that concern all of Ixion. There are a total of 23 Matriarchs and they get together once every 3 years to discuss intergalactic trade, health, security and if it were the case, war.    Unlike other species in the galaxy, the Ixodel are a generally peaceful species that has gotten to the highest levels of intergalactic influence by trading and negotiating. They are a very social and outspoken people, willing to pardon and reconnect with past enemies if they are true, in order to further both galactic development and their own position in the hierarchy. This fact easily grants them positions of power in governmental bodies across the galaxy in mixed planets.    Regardless of this, the Ixodel do have a military force but have them split up in secondary jobs like farmers, guards, teachers and the like. In times of war they will be called to action and leave their secondary jobs and report to their continent's military base. Only once in the planet's history have the Ixodel ever gone to galactic war centuries ago. This event known to them as the "Empty War" is a taboo, and only researched by those who either don't mind becoming a social outcast or by those outside the planet.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Ixodel are a greatly developed species with influence in many systems and can be found easily on many worlds although they prefer to be near each other. Finding one of them in an alien world can easily mean there is a group or even a whole community of them living somewhere in that planet.

Average Intelligence

Due to their peaceful nature, they have chosen to increase their knowledge of the universe and its workings, making a great most members of the species into highly intelligent individuals, specializing in many branches of science and technology.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

The society is matriarchal, where women have the highest positions in the government and males are often found in less specialized or delicate professions.

Relationship Ideals

Generally a couple will either meet when they are very young and bond as friends, which will later on evolve into a relationship if they meet their mutual criteria. Although this is the most common, many high ranking families will also pair up their children before coming of age, only to have them married when they do. This is generally done to forge bonds between families, yet the child's preference is also often taken into account.   When it comes to same sex relationships, the species have no problems with it, and in fact a little under half of the planet's couples are same sex relationships. That being said they are slightly less accepting of transexual people or those wanting to transition. The culture sees men that wish to transition as just reaching for positions outside their understanding and capabilities, and females that wish to transition as lowering themselves to men's standards. This has brought many problems in the past and many transitioning Ixodel leave the planet in search of more accepting company.

Common Dress Code

Unlike most human populations, the Ixodel generally dress in revealing outfits, showing off their healthy bodies and their markings with pride. Although there are certain continents in their planet where this is either more or less prominent, they are still rather exposing when compared to more conservative species as a whole.
They always dress in the same way, no matter which style or how revealing, they dress in snow white outfits with a beige trim and vibrant designs in the color of their respective markings. Ixodel dress wear is also very known for it's sleek, and streamlined design with no sharp angles.

Common Myths and Legends

The Ixodel have a pantheon of Goddesses which they credit the creation of the universe for. One goddess for the stars, one for the planets, one for biological life and one for the darkness of space. Called the 4 Maidens, they are typically honored with a festival for each in each of the planet's seasons and one major festival to celebrate them all and the creation of the universe as a whole.  

Void Kissed Ixodel

  A mostly unknown fact about the Ixodel is their attunement to the less tangible forces in the galaxy. Many strange, misunderstood and understudied elements can be found in Therea, some more potent than others. One of the least known about and yet strongest is the Void. The Void seems to be a corruptive and sort of symbiotic force that when exerted into someone can change practically everything about them. The Void seems to adjust the affected creature to better be a host for it, changing the look of the body and morphing the person's thoughts and personality.   Since Ixodel are so attuned to these exterior forces it leaves them wide open to become "Void Kissed" as some have named it. These Ixodel labor under mysterious orders and seem to spread out destruction and corruption wherever they spread, hatching decade spanning plans.    While the nature of a Void Kissed Ixodel is hard to understand, the physical attributes makes them hard to ignore. As the Ixodel toys more and more with their newfound abilities their hair, sclera and even outfit's white colors will blacken, the natural purple lines in their body grow and begin shifting through various pink/purple hues and will emit a steaming glow. This will also happen to their eyes and often their clothing will shift and morph as if it was part of the transformation as well, getting a torn and violent look to it.   As mentioned before, Void Kissed Ixodel exhibit new abilities to them reminiscent to that of "Magic" in old and ancient myths. These abilities include sustained flight for a limited duration, discharge of harmful energy projectiles, enhanced resistance and sustainability while in the void of space. Its to be noted that not all members of the Void kissed have been seen to exhibit all of these at once before they vanish from the planet, which they often do within days of gaining these abilities and head to either deep space or the outer edges of the galaxy.   Its to be noted that Void Kissed Ixodel is an extremely rare occurrence and therefore the great majority of the public in Ixion are unaware of their existence. The Government of the planet also has a "Kill on sight" order on these individuals and have managed to cull a 70% of Void Kissed emergences, not without great difficulty however.   Excerpt of recovered journal entry on Void Kissed in recently discovered ruins of lab in the secluded South of Ixion-   "-my understanding, that the beings we call "Void Kissed", while having a higher chance of being Ixodel than other known races, are not unique to us and knowing this we should expand and study similar Void activities in other systems. It is paramount we understand all variations of Void Kissed. The potential disastrous results of Void Kissed Aarakan or Nocir if they chose to strike at public centers need to be discussed and considered by the Matriarchs.-"

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Ixodel are a very social species and have many alliances with many species in the galaxy, mainly with Humans, nirien and Avarian.
230 years
Average Height
Average Physique
The species is voluptuous for the females and toned for the males.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
aside from the white hair and pupil and the pale skin, The Ixodel markings, eyes, lips and nipples are the only hints of color, them being a range from red-pink to violet.
Ixodel Void Kissed


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