Nocir (No-Ceer)

The Nocir are an alien species indigenous to the planet Nir in the western alliance sectors

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Nocir have various traits that set them apart from the galactic standard of species, most notable being their incredible size. Adults in the species hover around the 10 ft height, and these doesnt seem to be a difference in overall height from male to female, both easily reaching the 10ft. Aside from this, the species has teal/cyan skin, sometimes leaning a bit to either the blue or green spectrum, and some can be darker than others. This coloration can also be found in their hair but with higher contrast, with some having very pale cyan hair and others indigo.   Aside from this, the top and back of their ears have a short layer of hair, the inside is a bit more delicate, somewhat like the ears of a Xothian but of a cream/beige like color. The bottom of their ears is rimmed by a thick black strip of skin, this along with the hair layer in the top serve to protect the delicate membranes that make up the inner ear. The way the ear is formed, makes it easy for them to pick up distant and low noises, a remnant adaptation of their hunter like past.    Another one of these adaptations is their eyes. The strange pattern in their eyes is composed of various parts, a blue rim around the edge of their iris, a line going from the bottom of the iris up to the pupil, a small black ring around the pupil and a small blue crescent splitting the pupil in top and bottom parts. These are all various types of membranes and lenses that enhance their vision, basically giving them the ability to see in 3 different ways, in normal day light like we do, in low light or at night, and in infrared.

Genetics and Reproduction

Nocir, much like some types of mammalians, experience a period where they are "in heat" for both males and females, this generally lasts 3-6 days with variation in intensity. In Nir, it is sociably acceptable for both males and females either away from their mates, or that dont have mates, to go into the various pleasure houses in the planet to relieve themselves. This practice has also made polyamory commonplace in the planet, although many remain monogamous even when taking these liberties when in heat.   Due to this, the population of the Nocir is ever expanding. In the past, their warrior like lives made it so it was a necessary adaptation to maintain the species, since many died so young. Now, with many of the species dedicating themselves to intergalactic piloting, this also serves to maintain the planet at a relatively stable number.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Nocir are the evolutionary turnout of an ancient hunter race, much like the Derovann and Xothians, but they now remain in relative peace and their bodies have changed to match their slower life style, the only things remaining from that past are their keen senses of signt and hearing.   The planet of Nir is divided into 3 democratic sectors, each with their ruling President, and all 3 get to vote on matters of intergalactic importance like planetary security and trading rights with other species or organizations. Due to past attempts of presidents to arrest power from the others and claim the planet for themselves, A force of "De-throners" was organized illegally to keep the governments on their toes, and for the time being this has worked to punish corruption and draw the presidents towards the most beneficial actions for the species as a whole, but the entire system being made around fear and punishment is volatile and unstable.   Society in Nir doesnt lean either way to patriarchy nor matriarchy, and important roles are earned by those who can best take them on. In fact, the current term has 2/3 presidents being female.   Normally the natural abilities the Nocir have would make them great spies, but their large height and distinct colors make them easy to notice. Instead of this, a few of the Nocir that leave Nir chose to become soldiers or warriors, keeping in touch with their hunter like past and bringing fame to the Nocir species as unbeatable in close quarters combat. Their height in combat also serves to intimidate enemies, although this also works as a dangerous flaw, making them a bigger target for long range weapons.    The Nocir of Nir dislike these "Famed Warriors" since they have long since moved away from the brutal violence of their past, and see them as idealizing death and conflict. Because of this, those Nocir that go in search of fame through battle are afterwards shunned by their own.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The species is common in the alliance sectors and outer areas of the galaxy, sometimes traveling into the inner areas but to see one in these systems would be a rare sight.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The De-Throners

  A quasi-terrorist Organization self proclaimed protectors of the people, whose goals are to make sure the 3 Presidents work to do the best they can for Nir and not for personal gain.

Common Dress Code

Nocir always have a very specific type of outfit. The whole outfit is black fabric, with a hint of color in the blue-green spectrum, generally vibrant and often in a gradient with metallic accents, be it silver, gold, copper, etc.   Concerning how revealing they dress, Nocir dress as revealing as the planet they are in, if the planet for example is Nerall, the home of the Avarian, they would have no problem exposing their full breasts and dressing as revealing as they do, the same would be seen in a human planet where they would show mainly midriff, arms and lower legs. This is due to the fact that the Nocir love to be complemented, and might dress slightly more revealing if that will earn them complements, but not to the point of being taboo for those around them.     However in their home planet, the dress code had a transition. Before intergalactic travel, they used to dress relatively covered and conservative, but after a few centuries of interacting with intergalactic species, and seeing species like the Avarian, Nirien and Gheladen that dress so lightly, the world slowly but surely adapted this, and many now like to show off skin in Nir, although maybe not as much as the Avarian do.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Due to the collective disconnect from their bloodbathed past, Nocir now try to come off as kind, caring highly for outside opinion up to a degree. This, as well as their exotic height and look, make them highly desired in the core and near core systems, but due to the packed and highly populated density of this galactic area, they prefer to remain where they have a bit more space to breathe like the Empire border and Alliance Sectors, maybe even the outer areas of the galaxy.   The Nocir in Nir are a calm and tender race, preferring to get their excitement from high speed races across the planet rather than fighting like many other species. Much like the Ixodel, this peace has lead them through the path of knowledge and invention, making grand and technologically advanced ships. Starships govern their entertainment and interest so much that being either planetary or intergalactic pilots is an extremely common profession.
80 years
Average Height
9-11ft tall
Average Physique
They have a varied physique, but seem to keep themselves in good health. Physically active males and curvaceous females are a very common sight.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
blue-cyan to mint green colors, same with their hair but more contrasted.


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