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Beginning at the 3rd level, when a hostile creature dies within 30ft. of you, you capture its life essence in your momento. You are able to hold a number of souls in your momento equal to your proficiency bonus. When you complete a long rest, the souls in your momento dissipate. You may cast a Reaper spell by spending a number of souls equal to twice the level of the spell you are casting.

While you are hosting your void avatar, the range of soul capture is increased to 60ft.

Bonus Cantrip

Also beginning at the 3rd level, you know the Toll the Dead cantrip.

Keeper of Shadowy Secrets

Beginning at the 7th level, choose a skill from the following: Arcana, History, Insight, Medicine or Religion. You gain proficiency in that skill. If you are already proficient, you gain expertise in that skill.

Twisting Fate

Beginning at the 11th level, while you are hosting your avatar, as a bonus action you may spend 2 souls to attempt to curse a creature within 30ft. of you. The target creature makes a Charisma saving throw against your Reaper spell save DC. On a failure, the next saving throw that creature makes has a penalty equal to your proficiency bonus.

Hell's Regress

Beginning at the 15th level, when you are hit with a melee weapon attack, as a reaction, you may spend 1 soul and become briefly surrounded in a shadowy mist and teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.

While you are hosting your void avatar, you do not need to spend a soul to use this feature.

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