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It is said that many years ago the goddess of vanity, charm and cunning; Kuzunoha, had gone from plane to plane stealing away bits of magic from them. In her coveted hoard, these orbs of magic birthed life into the fey. Creating the first of the kitsune, each one of the original 13 representing each orb of magic the goddess stole. Many years have gone by now and the kitsune have slowly left their home in the fey, entering into Therinyn, although they are discriminated by the masses for their likeness to the demon-fox, they continue to hide away in the corners of the world to find their own home.

Kitsune Traits

Your Kitsune character has a variety of Spiritual abilities.
. A typical kitsune lives to 100. It gains an additional decade for every tail it grows, to a maximum of 9 tails.
. As kitsune are natural tricksters, they tend towards gentler forms of chaos.
. A kitsune is usually between 4'5" and 5'10". Your size is Medium.
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Keen Senses. 
Much like the foxes they resemble, kitsunes have heightened senses. You are proficient in the Perception skill.
Fey Ancestry. 
Your fey lineage gives you advantage on saving throws against being charmed. Magic cannot put you to sleep.
Human form. 
You can appear as a human indefinitely using a very simple illusion magic. However, on a DC 10 + proficiency bonus + Charisma Modifier vs Investigation check, a person looking directly at you can tell that you are not what you appear. You always appear to be the same human when you cast this spell.
Fox Tails. 
You have one tail when you are born and every 3 levels you gain another tail; lvl3 = 2, lvl6 = 3, etc. A kitsune's tails are a symbol of growth and realization for themselves and reflects how powerful they are. To your DM's discretion, A kitsune can also grow tail's for pivotal moments in its life or personal growth.
Fox Fire. 
So long as your tails are not severed, you can cast certain spells. You know the dancing lights cantrip. At 3rd level you gain the ability to cast faerie fire a number of times equal to the number of tails you have, and regain the ability to cast it after completing a long rest. Charisma is your casting ability for these spells.
You can read and write both Common and Yonae.


Kitsune's individual powers come from the element that their nature and being most attune to. There are 13 different types of kitsune; Kaze (Wind), Kasai (Fire), Mori (Forest), Chikyu (Earth), Yama (Mountain), Kawa (River), Umi (Ocean), Sanda (Thunder), Tengoku (Heaven), Kukan (Void), Seishin (Spirit), Jikan (Time), and Ongaku (Music).


Fleet of Foot. Your feet move with the wind. Your base walking speed increases by 5 feet.
One With the Wind. 
You can cast feather fall a number of times equal to the number of tails you have, and regain the ability to do so when you complete a short rest.


Passionate Gaze. Your eyes almost sparkle as you look towards people drawing them in to believe what you say. You gain Proficiency in the Persuasion and Deception skills.
Fiery Soul. 
Your soul is entwined with Fire in both aggressive and charming ways. You gain the ability to cast charm person as a level 1 spell, an equal number of times to the amount of tails you have and regain the ability to cast after a long rest. You also gain the ability to cast the fire bolt cantrip. Charisma is your casting ability for these spells. Also at 4 tails you gain the ability to cast charm person as a level 2 spell and at 7 tails as a level 3 spell however doing so uses the amount of "tail charges" equal to the spells level (so at 9 tails you can cast charm person 3 times at level 3). Also at 5 tails and 9 tails respectively fire bolts damage increases by 1 damage die (2d10 at 5 tails and 3d10 at 9 tails).


Natural Survivalist. The roots of your very being is tied to the earth so it's easy for you to track, hunt, and survive in difficult environments. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill. Forest becomes your Favored Terrain.
Nature Bender. 
You have a natural, magical ability to heal and command plant life. You know the druidcraft cantrip. You gain the ability to cast a level 1 cure wounds a number of times equal to the number of tails you have, and regain the ability to cast it after completing a short rest. Charisma is your casting ability for these spells.


Knowledge of the Lands. The land speaks to you and helps you in your endeavors, you gain 3 Favored Terrain of your choice.
Protection of the Earth. 
Once per day as an action you may gain resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing damage for 1min.


Homeland. Mountains become your Favored Terrain.
Mountain's Call. 
You can call on the mountain's fortitude. You gain the ability to cast longstrider as a level 1 spell, an equal number of times to the amount of tails you have and regain the ability to cast after a long rest. You also gain the ability to cast the resistance cantrip. Charisma is your casting ability for these spells.


Great Adaptability. Gain two skill proficiencies of your choice.
Flowing Waters. 
Your soul is entwined with Water for both wisdom and patience. At 2 tails, you gain the ability to cast lesser restoration as a level 2 spell, an number of times equal to half the amount of tails you have (rounded down) and regain the ability to cast after a long rest. You also gain the ability to cast the true strike cantrip. Charisma is your casting ability for these spells. Also at 6 tails you gain the ability to cast greater restoration as a level 5 spell.


Tan & Ready. You have a swim speed of 40. You can also hold your breath for up to 10 minutes with ease. You have proficiency in the Nature skill.
Water Affinity. 
You can cast create or destroy water a number of times equal to the amount of tails you have and regain the ability to cast after a long rest. You also gain the ability to cast the mending cantrip. Charisma is your casting ability for these spells.


Lightning Reflexes. With natural ability to move your body precisely how you want it to, you gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.
Call The Storm. 
Your soul intertwines with booming thunder, you gain the ability to cast thunderwave as a level 1 spell, equal to the number of tails you have and regain the ability to cast it after completing a long rest. (reminder: these spells still take the regular time to cast them) You also gain the ability to cast the shocking grasp Cantrip. Charisma is your casting ability for these spells.


Heaven's Grace. Gain two skill proficiencies of your choice.
Heaven's Blessing. 
Your soul is blessed by heaven. You gain the ability to cast sanctuary as a level 1 spell, an equal number of times to the amount of tails you have and regain the ability to cast after a long rest. You also gain the ability to cast the spare the dying cantrip. Charisma is your casting ability for these spells. Also at 4 tails you gain the ability to cast aid as a level 2 spell and at 7 tails as a level 3 spell however doing so uses the amount of "tail charges" equal to the spells level (so at 9 tails you can cast aid 3 times at level 3).


Sharpened Senses. You have Darkvision at 120ft range. Double your proficiency modifier for all Perception checks.
You can cast misty step a number of times equal to the amount of tails you have and regain the ability to cast after a long rest. Charisma is your casting ability for these spells.


Mindsight. Due to your magical heritage, you have the ability to see the world as it really is. At level 1 you can see normally in magical or non-magical darkness out to 30 feet as if the area was in bright light. At level 3, when you are within 10 feet of a visual illusion you automatically detect their true nature and succeed on saving throws against them. Also, within 10 feet you determine the true form of a shapechanger or a creature transformed by magic. At level 15, when you are within 10 feet of an invisible creature or a magically hidden door or object, you can see them. At level 20, double the range of all of your Mindsight abilities.
Illusions of the Mind. 
Your mind is sharp and clear... all the more easy to confuse others! You gain the ability to cast silent image as a level 1 spell, a number of times equal to the amount of tails you have and regain the ability to cast after a long rest. You also gain the ability to cast the minor illusion cantrip. Charisma is your casting ability for these spells.


Ageless. Time doesn't seem to effect you as it does others. Your base life span increases to 200 years, and you are unaffected by magic that alters your age unless you choose to be.
See the Future. 
Curious about the secrets of the universe, you wield an uncanny portent over your immediate future. When you finish a long rest, roll a number of d20 equal to your intelligence modifier, and record the number rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you that you can see with one of these foretelling rolls. You must choose to do so before the roll. Each foretelling roll can be used only once. When you finish a long rest, you lose any unused foretelling rolls.


Natural Entertainer. Are proficient in the Performance skill and one musical instrument of your choice.
. When you cast dancing lights with your fox fire trait, you can increase its duration to 1 hour. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws made for dancing lights and faerie fire.
by @lukawilda
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