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Lionheart Style

Elemental Slash

Beginning at the 3rd level, when you use your Burst Strike feature, instead of the regular effect, you can deal an additional 1d12 damage to the creature of your choice from the following: Fire, Cold, Lightning or Thunder. This damage increases to 2d12 at the 6th level, 3d12 at the 12th level and 4d12 at the 18th level.

Rough Divide

Beginning at the 6th level, as a bonus action you may expend one Munitions charge to move as though you are under the effects of the Jump or Longstrider spell until your next turn. The first melee weapon attack while under this effect deals an additional d6 of damage matching your weapon type.

Fated Circle

Beginning at the 10th level, when you make a successful melee weapon attack with a gunblade, instead of using your Burst Strike feature, you may expend three Munitions charges to wave of elemental energy originating from you. All creatures in a 10ft. radius must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Gunbreaker Save DC. On a failure Creatures take 3d12 damage of your choice from the following: Fire, Cold, Lightning or Thunder, and half as much on a success. This damage increases to 4d12 at the 15th level and 5d12 at the 20th level. You can only use Fated Circle once per round.
You can also use your action to use Fated Circle without making a successful melee weapon attack.

Elemental Intensity

Beginning at the 14th level, you deal bonus damage on your Elemental Slash and Fated Circle abilities equal to your Intelligence ability modifier. Additionally, you may choose Force, Necrotic or Radiant damage when using those abilities.


Beginning at the 20th level, when you make a successful melee weapon attack with a gunblade, you may expend one Munitions charge to make another melee weapon attack.
Practitioners of the Lionheart Style have learned to elementally tune their Munitions, allowing them to pierce enemy's guard with elemental energies and dealing out heavy damage.

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