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Lunar Gyokuto

Ancient songs tell of a group of gyokuto who explored every corner of the known world. Finding that the world had nothing more for them to offer and yet eager for more, they simply hopped on the moon. How much truth this old song holds is up for debate, but the enigmatic lunars might give some credence to this tale.

The lunar, according to their own history, hail from the very moon and returned to the material world to rediscover it. While reserved in their nature, they are just as curious and open to the new as the rest of their kin. Though a lunar’s wanderlust has become an esoterical one. They indulge in experiences for mind and soul and are ever widening their horizons in matters of philosophy and spirituality.
. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Lunar Curl
. You can use an action to curl up and rise up to 10 ft. in the air and remain there suspended. While you levitate like this your movement speed becomes 0 and you emanate bright light in a 10 ft. radius and dim light in an additional 30 ft. radius. On each of your following turns, you must use an action to continue levitating like this, or the effect ends and you gently descend 10 ft. - if you are still in the air after this movement, you fall.
Moon Magic
. You know the Minor Illusion or Prestidigitation cantrip. When you create the character, you choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting ability for it. Mystic. You are proficient in Arcana or Religion

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