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Revolver Style

Gritty Gunner

Beginning at the 3rd level, when you use Gunner Shot with a hostile creature within 5ft. of you, you do not suffer disadvantage on the attack and you add your Strength ability modifier to your Gunner Shot damage rolls.
Additionally, you gain proficiency in all firearms.

Gambler's Guts

Beginning at the 6th level, you have gained proficiency in the Insight skill and a set of gaming tools of your choice. When making a skill check or attack roll with die result 9 or lower, you may expend one Munitions charge to reroll the die. You must use the new number.

Armour Piercing Round

Beginning at the 10th level, when you use the Gunner Shot Attack action, you may spend an additional Munitions charge to calculate your attack roll as though your enemy's AC is 10 + their Dexterity modifier. If the creature has natural armour the base of 10 is increased to the appropriate number.


Beginning at the 14th level, you may use the following abilities when you use your Gunner Shot attack action as though you are attacking in melee range: Burst Strike, Blasting Zone and Sonic Breaker.

Bullet Hell

Beginning at the 20th level, when you use your Gunner Shot Attack action, you may expend loaded Munition charges to make additional Gunner Shot attacks. You expend one charge per extra attack made. You cannot use the Bombardment feature on the additional attacks.
The Revolver Style involves becoming a skilled marksman alongside being a powerful sword fighter. Mastery of ranged combat with this new form of weaponry will be a challenge for those using the Revolver style but their ability to fight at both close and long range will be highly valuable.

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