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Tanuki Traits

Your Tanuki character has a variety of natural abilities.
Age. Tanuki tend to live slightly shorter lives than humans. The average life expectancy is around 100 years.
Alignment. The
. Medium
Speed. 30ft
Senses. Darkvision 60 feet
Tanuki Trickery. You can cast the Minor Illusion cantrip with this trait. At 3rd level, you can cast Disguise Self as a 1st level spell once per long rest with this trait. In both cases, Charisma is used as the casting ability score.
Tanuki Slam. You have a slam attack, which is a natural weapon you can wield as an unarmed strike. This slam attack inflicts 1d6 + Strength modifier Bludgeoning damage, and counts as Magical for purposes of overcoming damage resistance. You can use a Tanuki Slam attack even if your hands are occupied. This racial ability does not grant you an Extra Attack.
Tanuki Transformations. You are a shapeshifter who can freely assume the form of an inanimate object and then revert to your normal form. As an action, you can transform into tools or a weapon by using this ability; you can’t move in such a form, but can be used by another character. In weapon form, attacks made with you count as magical for ignoring damage resistance. In tool form, characters may use the tools as if they had proficiency in the requisite skill.
. You can speak, read, and write Common and Yonae.
by aku-usagi
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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