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The Chained Oblivion (thar-iz-dun)

God of Insanity, Abyss, Darkness and Void - Tharizdun

"Light must be snuffed, perfection decayed, order dissolved, and minds fragmented." These are the words uttered by the bubbling black inky pool known as the Chained Oblivion to his followers. Tharizdun is an ancient and powerful being, whose very presence can warp reality itself. His true form is a writhing mass of tentacles, eyes, and other appendages, constantly shifting and mutating as he exerts his power over the universe. He is surrounded by an aura of darkness and decay, and his very breath can wither plants and corrode metal.   Despite his monstrous appearance, Tharizdun possesses a terrible intelligence and an insatiable hunger for power. He seeks to unravel the fabric of reality and plunge the universe into chaos, undoing all of creation and returning everything to a state of primal darkness.   Tharizdun is known by many titles, including the Dark God, It of Eternal Darkness, the Spiral of Decay, and the Chained One. He is worshiped by a select few, who revere him as a deity of destruction and entropy. His followers are often madmen, cultists, and other corrupted beings who seek to bring about the end of the world in Tharizdun's name.     None know where the gods had sealed him away, even fewer know of his existence. Although Tharizdun is currently imprisoned in a pocket dimension outside of normal space and time, his influence can still be felt throughout the universe. Those who delve too deeply into forbidden magic or seek to unravel the secrets of the universe may find themselves drawn to the Chained Oblivion, their minds consumed by his dark power.   Even the other gods fear the power of Tharizdun, and many believe that his eventual escape would mean the end of all things. It is said that only the most powerful of artifacts and spells can hope to contain his power, and even then, it is only a matter of time before he breaks free and seeks to destroy everything in his path.

Divine Domains


Alternate Domains:



Divine Symbols & Sigils


A jagged counterclockwise dark spiral rune known as the Spiral of Decay.

Divine Ability

Strength or Constitution

Divine Font


Divine Skill


Favored Weapon

a curved dagger.

Cleric Spells

1st Penumbral Shroud
4th Phantasmal Killer
9th Unspeakable Shadow

Tenets of Faith

  • Uncover, Restore, and Exalt Forgotten Shrines in His Honor: At the heart of Tharizdun's worship lies the duty to uncover the remnants of his ancient, shadowed dominion scattered across realms. These hidden shrines, vestiges of an era predating memory, beckon to be rediscovered and resurrected. Those who are drawn to his enigmatic aura take on the sacred task of restoring these shrines to their former, foreboding grandeur. Through careful reconstruction and devotion, they honor the deity's primordial influence, nurturing a connection that resonates through the ages. These sanctuaries become conduits for Tharizdun's boundless power, and their restoration symbolizes the resurgence of a forgotten darkness.
  • Offer and Siphon Power to the Chained Oblivion Until His Liberation Comes: The acolytes of Tharizdun grasp the significance of his timeless imprisonment and the potential for his ultimate release. Guided by unwavering faith, they channel their reverence into a ceaseless flow of offerings and rituals, siphoning the essence of their devotion into the prison that confines the Chained Oblivion. This deliberate energy transfer becomes a beacon, a testament to their anticipation of the day when the deity's chains will shatter, liberating him from his aeons-long confinement. Each drop of worshipful fervor acts as both a key to freedom and a testament to the indomitable loyalty of his followers.
  • Ruin and Raze the Realms to Prepare for the End Times: The impending End Times cast their ominous shadow across the hearts of Tharizdun's adherents. They embrace their role as harbingers of destruction, understanding that the annihilation of worlds is not a mere act of chaos, but a calculated step towards ultimate transcendence. These devotees actively embrace the primal forces of darkness and entropy, endeavoring to undo the constructs of reality and civilization, thereby paving the way for the cataclysmic finale. Through their calculated destruction, they believe they are offering a crucial sacrifice, a dismantling of order to clear the path for the chaos that heralds Tharizdun's full dominion over existence.


The followers of Tharizdun are few and secretive, and most people do not even know that it was even once worshiped, or even existed. If it has holy days, they are unknown to all but perhaps some of it's followers.


Contacts & Relations

Corrupted Beings

Religious Views

Areas of Concern

by AI
Divine Classification
Prime Deity
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Dark God, It of Eternal Darkness, The Forgotten God, The Spiral of Decay, The Chained One, The Shackled, The Overconsuming,  The Elder Evil
by AI

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Cover image: by Wesley Griffith


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