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The Fated Lady

Goddess of Fate, Destiny, Choice and Magic

She is the mistress of prophecies and governs the fates of all beings. Her influence touches every aspect of life, from the smallest of events to the grandest of destinies.   According to legend, Istus is the master weaver of the fabric of fate. She sits at her loom, spinning and weaving the threads of the universe, creating and guiding the destinies of every creature. Her needle and thread represent the unbreakable bonds that connect all things in the world. Her tapestry is a complex and ever-changing weave of colors, patterns, and threads, reflecting the infinite possibilities of fate.   Istus is often depicted as a beautiful woman dressed in pure white robes, with long flowing hair that seems to glow with its own light. Her face is serene and tranquil, as if she knows the outcome of every event before it occurs. She is always portrayed as a master weaver, with a rainbow of fabric unfurling from her loom.   Many believe that Istus has the power to grant or deny a mortal's destiny, and that her touch can bestow incredible powers of Fateborn/Fatetouched magic. Those born under her influence are said to have a natural talent for divination and prophecy, and some even possess the ability to manipulate fate itself.   Worshipers of Istus often seek her guidance when faced with difficult decisions or uncertain futures. They believe that by praying to her, they may gain insight into their fate or receive a vision of their future. Some even devote their lives to studying the patterns of fate and unraveling the secrets of the universe.   Despite her power, Istus is a neutral deity, neither good nor evil. She is simply the arbiter of destiny, and her decisions are based solely on the intricate tapestry of fate. Her followers accept that her will is beyond mortal understanding, and trust that she weaves each thread of their lives with care and wisdom.

Divine Domains


Alternative Domains:


Divine Symbols & Sigils


A needle and thread

Divine Ability

Constitution or Wisdom

Divine Font

Heal or Harm

Divine Skill


Favored Weapon

a Dagger

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the flow of destiny: Followers of Istus believe that the tapestry of fate is a natural and unbreakable force. They believe that all beings are woven into the fabric of the universe and that their destinies are predetermined. Embracing this flow means accepting the twists and turns of fate with equanimity, knowing that they are part of a greater design.
  • Seek knowledge of the tapestry: The patterns of fate are infinitely complex, and the secrets of the tapestry are not easily revealed. Those who worship Istus are encouraged to seek knowledge and understanding of the weave. Through divination, meditation, and study, they hope to gain insight into the workings of the universe and their place in it.
  • Weave your own thread with care: Although the fate of each being is predetermined, followers of Istus believe that they can influence their own destiny to some extent. They strive to weave their own thread with care, making choices that align with their inner compass and bring them closer to their true purpose. They also believe that their actions can affect the threads of others, and so they try to act with kindness and compassion towards all beings.


Contacts & Relations

Divine Classification
Prime Deity
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady of Destiny, Weaver of the Tapestry, Mistress of Prophecy, Guardian of the Thread, Arbiter of the Weave
White Light
Silver White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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