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The Ferryman of Passages (KAIR-unn)

God of Death, Afterlife, Passages and the Styx - Charon

A powerful and mysterious figure who rules over the transition between life and death. He is the keeper of the Styx River, which separates the world of the living from the realm of the dead, and is responsible for ferrying the souls of the deceased to their final resting place.   Charon is often depicted as a walking corpse, with pallid, rotting skin and glowing purple eyes that seem to penetrate the soul. He wears a black and gold toga and a wide-brimmed hat, both adorned with intricate designs that hint at his otherworldly power. In his hand, he carries an oar, which he uses to guide his boat across the murky waters of the Styx.   One of Charon's defining characteristics is his obsession with the Obol coin. According to legend, every soul that wishes to cross the Styx must pay Charon an Obol as payment for passage. Without this coin, the soul will be forced to wander the shores of the river for all eternity. Charon is said to collect these coins with a single-minded determination, often going to great lengths to acquire them.   Despite his fearsome reputation, Charon is a Lawful Neutral deity who is simply doing his job. He is not interested in the emotional quandaries of the living, and remains aloof and detached from the world of mortals. He knows that one day, everyone will meet their end and must face him at the shore of the Styx, regardless of their status or power in life.   In addition to his role as the ferryman of the dead, Charon is also known as the Horseman of Death. In some cultures, it is believed that he will ride forth at the end of the world, opening the gates of the afterlife and ushering in a new age. This apocalyptic vision has led many to fear Charon and to offer him sacrifices and prayers in the hopes of appeasing him.   Charon is also known for his ability to navigate the many planes of existence. As the ferryman of the dead, he has access to all realms of the afterlife, including heaven, hell, and everything in between. This makes him a valuable ally for those seeking to travel through the many dimensions of the multiverse.   Despite his neutrality, Charon has been known to take sides in certain conflicts. He is fiercely protective of the souls he ferries and will not tolerate any attempts to harm them. He has been known to assist heroes and adventurers on their quests, guiding them through the treacherous waters of the Styx and helping them to reach their destinations.   The Styx River itself is a dark and foreboding place, filled with perilous creatures and powerful magic. Many tales are told of lost souls who wander its shores, unable to pay the toll to cross to the other side. Charon is said to be a master of the river's currents, able to navigate even the most treacherous waters with ease.   Despite his fearsome reputation, there are some who revere Charon as a deity of transition and transformation. They see him as a guide to the afterlife, a harbinger of new beginnings and new possibilities. In some cultures, he is even celebrated as a bringer of life and fertility, as death is seen as a necessary step in the cycle of existence.   In conclusion, Charon is a complex and enigmatic figure, embodying both the fear and mystery that surrounds death and the afterlife. As the ferryman of the dead and the keeper of the Styx River, he holds great power over the fate of all souls. Whether seen as a harbinger of doom or a bringer of new possibilities, his influence is felt throughout many cultures and traditions, and he remains a potent symbol of the ultimate transition that awaits us all.

by ???

Divine Domains


Alternative Domains:



Charon's Obol: The Rarity of this coin is determined by the metal it is made of. A common obol is copper, uncommon is silver, rare is gold, and very rare is platinum. While the coin is in the mouth of a dead creature, it bestows powers upon the corpse. These obols are created when the spirit enters the afterlife, any coin placed upon the corpse is transformed into an obol.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


A old oak staff or a skull with gold pieces in each eye.

Divine Ability

Constitution or Wisdom

Divine Font

Heal or Harm

Divine Skill


Favored Weapon

a quarterstaff

Cleric Spells:

1st mindlink
3rd ghostly weapon
4th phantasmal killer

Tenets of Faith

  • The balance of life and death must be maintained. Every soul must face their judgment and be guided to their rightful place in the afterlife.
  • Respect the power of death and the transition it brings. Do not seek to cheat death or pervert its natural course, for the consequences will be severe.
  • Honor the memory of the departed. Offer prayers and sacrifices to Charon in memory of those who have passed, and strive to live a life worthy of the journey to come.


Contacts & Relations

Grave robbers

Religious Views


by @baccco
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Horseman of Death, The Boatman, The Ferryman, The Boatman of the Planes, Cerlic, King of the Merenoloth
Current Residence
The Styx
Eerie holes of light
Grey, White, or None
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bone or Dead Flesh/Skin

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