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The Great Crone (Baba Yaa-Gaa)

Goddess of Myths, Tales and Hexes - Artrosa (a.k.a. Yanca)

In the shadowy annals of time, there exists a force that transcends both the mortal realm and the veil of mysticism — a force known as Baba Yaga. She is the enigmatic patroness of witches, a deity whose essence is as ancient as the oldest tales whispered around campfires. Her presence is neither gentle nor overt, for Baba Yaga is a deity of paradoxes, embodying both the nurturing embrace of a mother and the terrifying visage of the crone.
A Wicked Thought Unveiled:

Baba Yaga's essence, much like the twilight that bridges day and night, dwells in the corners of the human heart where both light and shadow reside. Do you know the sensation of a wicked thought taking root? It is a seed that germinates slowly, twisting its tendrils around the roots of virtue until the once-pure intentions are choked. But beware, for Baba Yaga watches, and she does not abide complacency in the face of darkness. A heart that allows wickedness to fester invites her displeasure, and her retribution is both swift and unforgiving.
A Deity Beyond Conventional Worship:
Unlike other deities that might crave grand temples and fervent prayers, Baba Yaga's domain is woven into the very fabric of reality. She demands no devotion, no ritualistic ceremonies. Instead, her realm is one of respect and fear, an understanding that her influence touches even the deepest recesses of forgotten knowledge. Clerics and paladins who choose to honor her do so not with empty gestures, but with the wisdom they impart. They are the torchbearers of ancient teachings, passing down lost knowledge to those who pay homage to the crone.

The Titles of Baba Yaga:

She wears many titles, each a facet of her intricate being. The Queen of Witches, Witch Queen, and Great Crone — these names encapsulate her dominion over the craft and the threads of fate she weaves. She is the Mistress of the Dark Arts, a guiding force for those who dare to explore the abyssal depths of magic. Yet, she is also the Bone Mother, embodying the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. As Artrosa or Yanca, she beckons with her dual nature, inviting seekers to embrace the duality within themselves.

Baba Yaga's essence is a dance between the light and the dark, the nurturing and the punishing. She is a riddle woven into the tapestry of existence, an ancient force that both tests and nurtures the hearts of those who dare to seek her wisdom. If your character contemplates becoming a follower of Baba Yaga, they must be prepared to confront the shadows within themselves, to uphold the ancient teachings, and to embrace the paradoxes that define the realm of magic she guards.  

Divine Domains


Alternative Domains:


Divine Symbols & Sigils


A Witch Hut with Chicken Legs, Old Sylvan script in a line, or a mortar and pestle.

Divine Ability

Wisdom or Charisma

Divine Font

Heal or Harm

Divine Skill


Favored Weapon

a staff

Cleric Spells:


Tenets of Faith

  • Seek Wisdom and Balance: Embrace the path of the wise witch, delving into ancient teachings and hidden knowledge. Use your magical abilities responsibly, for every hex and spell has consequences. Find balance in wielding power, showing humility in your mastery. The goddess Baba Yaga rewards those who seek wisdom and apply it thoughtfully, while those who abuse their gifts will feel her disapproval.
  • Uphold Harmony and Respect: Walk the path of unity and respect, recognizing the shared threads that weave all beings together. Embrace diversity and treat each individual with the dignity they deserve. Strive to resolve conflicts through dialogue and understanding, rather than force. The interconnectedness of all life is the heart of Baba Yaga's teachings, and she frowns upon those who disrupt this harmony.
  • Honoring Cycles and Stories: As a follower of Baba Yaga, honor the sacred cycles of birth, life, and death. Tread lightly upon the realms of nature, nurturing its balance and communing with its spirits. Preserve the ancient tales and oral traditions that carry the accumulated wisdom of generations. Through these stories, you connect with the essence of myths and magic, upholding the legacy of the goddess herself.


Contacts & Relations

Rural Communities

Religious Views


by Doodle Dip
Divine Classification
Prime Deity
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of Witches, Witch Queen, Great Crone, Old Crone, Goddess of the Dark Arts, Mother of All Witches, Bone Mother, Baba Yaga

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