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The Grim Harvester (ZIE-fess)

God of Death, Graveyard, Tragedy and Mortality Zyphus

Zyphus, also known as the Grim Harvester, is the god of death, graveyards, tragedy, and mortality. He is a powerful deity, feared and respected by mortals and gods alike. His appearance is that of a skeletal figure, dressed in a tattered black robe, wielding a large scythe that glows with a dark energy. He is often depicted as a skeleton with a sinister grin, and no eye sockets.   According to legend, Zyphus was born from the darkness that existed before the creation of the world. He was one of the first beings to exist and has been present at the death of every mortal that has ever lived. He works closely with the Mother of Scales, a powerful goddess who oversees the balance of life and death in the world.   Zyphus is a deity of great power and authority. He has the ability to decide the fate of mortals and can choose when and how they will die. He is often seen as a bringer of tragedy and misfortune, and many mortals fear his wrath. However, he is also a necessary part of the natural order, ensuring that life and death remain in balance.   Zyphus has many titles and is known by many names. The Grim Reaper, Death, The Dark Vulture, Old Cackle Bones, The Harbinger of Unexpected, and Tragedy are just a few of the titles that mortals have given him. His holy symbol is a pickaxe made from a femur, a human skull, and a large ribcage. This symbol represents his role as a harvester of souls and his ability to extract the essence of life from mortal bodies.   Despite his fearsome reputation, Zyphus is not an evil deity. He is a necessary part of the natural order and serves a vital purpose in the cycle of life and death. Mortals may fear him, but they also respect him for his power and authority. In the end, all must face him, and he will guide them on their final journey. They have watched every soul drift down the Styx. An with their scythe, they has decided the lives of many mortals. It is said that their scythe has once stripped the immortality of some.  
Zyphus is not without his rivals, as there are five other gods who preside over death in different forms.   Those who worship Zyphus often do so out of a sense of respect and fear. They may leave offerings at his shrines or perform rituals to honor him and ensure a peaceful passage into the afterlife. Others may seek to placate him, believing that he can bring misfortune and tragedy to those who offend him.   Despite his fearsome reputation, there are some who view Zyphus with a sense of awe and reverence. They see him not as a bringer of death and tragedy, but as a powerful deity who oversees the natural order of the universe. To them, he represents the ultimate mystery of life and death, and they seek to understand his ways and learn from his wisdom.   In the end, Zyphus remains a powerful and enigmatic figure, one who commands respect and fear in equal measure. Mortals may never fully understand his ways, but they will always know that he is there, watching over them and waiting for their final journey to begin.

Divine Domains


Alternative Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils


Pick axe made of a femur, a human skull & a large rib

Divine Ability

Dexterity or Constitution

Divine Font

Heal or Harm

Divine Skill


Favored Weapon

a scythe or pickaxe


Contacts & Relations


Religious Views


Divine Classification
Prime Deity
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Grim Reaper, Death, The Dark Vulture, Old Cackle Bones, The Harbinger of Unexpected, Tragedy

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