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The Masked Lord (vay-RAWN)

God of Shadows, Arrogance, The Underdark
  • Vhaeraun
  • In the realms of myth and shadow, there exists a deity whose dominion is shrouded in darkness and secrecy. Vhaeraun, the God of Shadows and Arrogance, is a figure both enigmatic and resolute. Unlike his malevolent brethren, who hunger for power and dominion over the mortal realm, Vhaeraun's purpose lies in the preservation of balance and the safeguarding of a world plagued by unfathomable horrors.

    Within the depths of the Underdark, a labyrinthine expanse of subterranean caverns and twisted passages, Vhaeraun's influence reigns supreme. He is the guardian of this bleak realm, a sentinel against the unspeakable terrors that slumber beneath the earth. Vhaeraun's heart beats not with the desire for conquest, but with the unyielding commitment to maintain the fragile equilibrium between light and darkness, life and death.

    Vhaeraun's followers, known as zealots of the Shadow War, are individuals who have chosen to dedicate their lives to the deity's cause. These fervent believers view their purpose as a sacred duty: to stand as the vanguard against the nightmarish entities that lurk within the depths. They are prepared to lay down their lives to ensure that the horrors of the Underdark remain imprisoned, shielding the world above from the malevolent forces that seek to breach the surface.

    Though Vhaeraun is one of the youngest of the divine, his age belies his wisdom and responsibility. He emerged into existence with a unique mandate – to safeguard the realm from the ancient and banished gods who had been sealed away before his own creation. With an innate understanding of the darkness that festers beneath, he took up his mantle willingly, embracing the immense burden that comes with holding the barrier against the encroaching horrors at bay.

    In his ceaseless vigilance, Vhaeraun not only guards against the horrors native to the Underdark but also keeps a watchful eye on the far realm. The boundary between the planes is thin in places, and the God of Shadows takes it upon himself to prevent the aberrant creatures of the far realm from breaching through the veil into their world. His determination and fortitude are unwavering, his very essence a bulwark against the impending doom that could befall Therinyn.

    Vhaeraun is not a deity of grandiosity or ostentation. His presence is subtle, often felt as a whisper in the dark, a fleeting shadow that vanishes upon examination. His motivations are driven by duty, compassion for the world above, and a profound understanding of the horrors he guards against. In a realm dominated by more nefarious deities, Vhaeraun stands apart as a protector, a sentry who would give everything to preserve the fragile peace that rests upon his shoulders.
    by AI

    Divine Domains


    Alternative Domains:


    Divine Symbols & Sigils


    a Black mask

    Divine Ability

    Dexterity or Wisdom

    Divine Font


    Divine Skill


    Favored Weapon

    a silvered shortsword

    Cleric Spells:

    Tenets of Faith

    • Sentinels of Twilight: "As followers of Vhaeraun, we stand vigilant at the crossroads of shadow and light. Our purpose is to shield the realm from the horrors of the Underdark and the incursion of aberrant beings. We embrace the power of shadows, mastering its essence to safeguard our world."
    • Umbral Unity: "In the depths of darkness, we find our strength. United as the umbral chosen, we share a sacred duty to protect Therinyn. Our arrogance is not of pride, but a conviction that comes from our unique calling. Through camaraderie, we form an unbreakable bond that wards off the encroaching abyss."
    • Eternal Vigil: "Our commitment transcends time – an eternal oath to stand guard against the malevolent. Sacrifices shall be made, but we endure. With arrogance tempered by wisdom, we wield shadows to repel darkness. We are the eternal guardians, the last bastion between our world and the void."

    Divine Goals & Aspirations


    Shadows (Shared)
    Darkness (Shared)


    Contacts & Relations

    Shadow Masks
    Creatures of Shadows
    by Xhakhal
    by AI
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Neutral Evil
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    The Masked God of Night, The Shadow, The Masked Mage, The Lord of Shadow, Shadow Lord, Shadowlord, Mask
    by AI
    by AI

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    Cover image: by Narcis Calin


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