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The Ruthless Waves (En-key)

Goddess of Seas, Ruthlessness, Salt and the Plane of Water
  • Enki
  • In the world you traverse, stories of Enki, the Goddess of the Ocean, are whispered in hushed tones around seaside taverns and by the glow of campfires on coastal shores. Her name alone sends shivers down the spines of sailors and coastal folk, invoking both reverence and fear. Enki is a deity of the seas, embodying the unrelenting power of the ocean's depths. Her dominion over the waters is absolute, and her nature is as unpredictable as the tempestuous waves she controls.

    While she is revered by those who rely on the sea for their livelihoods, Enki is also known for her merciless temperament. She is a goddess who demands respect and loyalty, and her wrath is said to be swift and unyielding to those who dare to disrespect her. Tales abound of ships swallowed by sudden storms, and sailors lost to the depths for failing to pay her due respect.   Enki's influence extends beyond the mortal realm. She is said to be the mother of many sea creatures, some wondrous and majestic, others lurking in the shadows of the deep. Her offspring, including the Cyclops, are a testament to the diversity and mystery of the ocean's inhabitants.   Yet, beneath the surface of Enki's realm lies a hidden world of secrets and rivalries. She has a sworn enemy in Dagon, the Demonic God of the Dark Water, and their age-old conflict simmers like an undercurrent beneath the waves.

    Divine Domains


    Alternate Domains:


    Divine Symbols & Sigils


    A whirlpool or a thin spiked crown upon a skull with seaweed for hair.

    Divine Ability

    Strength or Constitution

    Divine Font

    Heal or Harm

    Divine Skill


    Favored Weapon

    a trident

    Cleric Spells:

    1st hydraulic push
    3rd feet to fins
    6th hydraulic torrent

    Tenets of Faith

    • Trust in the Seas you Sail: This tenet emphasizes the need for sailors and coastal dwellers to show respect and reverence for Enki's power. They should approach the sea with caution and humility, knowing that they are at her mercy.
    • Never Disrespect our Lady: Enki demands unwavering respect and loyalty from her followers. Those who dare to disrespect her or question her authority may find themselves facing her wrath.
    • Drown those Who Challenge the Waves: Enki encourages her followers to be ruthless and unforgiving in dealing with those who threaten the sanctity of the sea. Those who challenge the ocean's might must be punished swiftly and decisively.


    Contacts & Relations

    Coastal Dwellers
    Sentient Sea Creatures

    Religious Views


    Sea Winds
    by Hydrae
    Divine Classification
    Deity (Primordial)
    Chaotic Neutral
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    The Bitch Queen, Great Queen of the Sea, Queen of the Depths, Goddess of Oceans, The Wavemother, Lady of the Waves, Goddess of the Deep Sea, Goddess of the Seas, Sea Queen, Sea Bitch, Empress of the Torrent, The Wide Seas,
    by wildcard24

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    Cover image: by Guillem H. Pongiluppi


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