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The Sea Banshee (bes-MAR-uh)

Goddess of Piracy, Sea Monsters and Sailing - Besmara

Known as the Pirate Queen, is a goddess most commonly worshiped by the sailor-folk of the Dead Mans Refuge or Skull Anchorage. She is said to captain her legendary ship Seawraith throughout the seas and waterways of the Sea of Jagged Teeth, making raids on places such as Hell, Elysium, Mechanus, and Heaven. Pirates don't tend to be a very religious lot, and generally only call on her on their death bed or if in extreme danger. Those few priests who do devote themselves to her generally also are captains of their own raiding ships and have a fierce reputation. Her symbol is the jolly roger, a universal emblem of piracy, normally a white skull and crossbones on a black field.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils


the jolly roger on a flag

Divine Ability

Dexterity or Constitution

Divine Font

Heal or Harm

Divine Skill


Favored Weapon

a rapier

Cleric Spells:

1st hydraulic push
3rd feet to fins
5th mariner's curse

Tenets of Faith

The Code of Piracy

  1. Rock the Vote: “Every man shall have an equal vote in affairs of moment. He shall have an equal title to the fresh provisions or strong liquors at any time seized, and shall use them at pleasure unless a scarcity makes it necessary for the common good that a retrenchment may be voted.”
  2. Be Smart: Don’t Steal from Pirates: “Every man shall be called fairly in turn by the list on board of prizes, because over and above their proper share, they are allowed a shift of clothes. But if they defraud the company to the value of even one dollar in plate, jewels, or money, they shall be marooned. If any man rob another, he shall have his nose and ears slit, and be put ashore where he shall be sure to encounter hardships.”
  3. Mind the Curfew: “The lights and candles shall be put out at eight at night, and if any of the crew desire to drink after that hour they shall sit upon the open deck without lights.”
  4. Keep Battle-Ready: “Each man shall keep his piece, cutlass and pistols, at all times clean and ready for action.”
  5. Never Bring Your Date Home: “No boy or lass [shall] be allowed amongst them. If any crew shall be found seducing one of the latter sex and carrying them to sea in disguise, they shall suffer death.”
  6. Stand by Your Hearties: “He that shall desert the ship or his quarters in the time of battle shall be punished by death or marooning.”
  7. Settle Disputes Onshore: “None shall strike another on board the ship, but every man's quarrel shall be ended onshore by sword or pistol in this manner: at the word of command from the Quartermaster, each man being previously placed back to back, shall turn and fire immediately. If any man do not, the Quartermaster shall knock the piece out of his hand. If both miss their aim, they shall take to their cutlasses, and he that draws first blood shall be declared the victor.”
  8. Lose a Limb, Get Worker’s Comp: “Every man who shall become a cripple or lose a limb in the service shall have four hundred pieces of silver from the common stock, and for lesser hurts proportionately.”
  9. Remember, Rank Has its Privileges: “The Captain and the Quartermaster shall each receive two shares of a prize, the Master Gunner and Boatswain, one and one half shares, all other officers one and one quarter, and private gentlemen of fortune one share each.”
  10. Give the Band a Break: “The musicians shall have rest on the Sabbath Day only, by right, on all other days, by favor only."
The ten commandments of piracy written by the Pirate Queen herself.
"Carve your name on the ever-changing sea with a saber of terror and triumph. Fight for Plunder, Fame, and Glory, and earn your place among the Legends of the Sea"
- Besmara


Contacts & Relations


Religious Views


Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Chaotic Neutral
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Pirate Queen, the Black Lady, Sailor's Doom
Current Residence
Aboard the Seawraith
Stormy Sea Blue
Dark brown hair with braids and beads.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and spotted with freckles and sunspots
Owned Vehicles

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