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Physical Description

Dullahan resemble humans with either dark tan or pale blue skin. Their eyes are black, but their iris's can be any natural or unnatural color. A dullahan's hair can be any natural color but is frequently black, gray, or white. Dullahan mouths' can become very wide, reaching to the sides of their heads, but not all dullahan share this trait due to years of evolution to appear more human than monster to other races. While a dullahan's head is separated from their body, an ethereal, non-lethal flame forms on top of their wounded neck as a means for the body to see and hear, but this flame is invisible to the naked eye and can only be perceived by magical means.


A dullahan is a type of fey creature born of the Unseelie Court. Dullahan resemble undead due to their headlessness but both head and body are kept alive by a curse. Inclined to travel at night by Unseelie magic and their own appearance, grim folklore has sprung up about them. Dullahan are created by Unseelie fey when they decapitate a human, or a similar race, as part of a dark ritual. Due to this ritual, most dullahan tend to retain most of their characteristics of their human self, but memories of their human life is mostly forgotten, only a few dullahan manage to remember a few memories from their human life due to a trigger or a lasting impression that can never be forgotten. Dullahan are also capable of producing offspring, but much like a tiefling, the offspring will be a dullahan, regardless of the partner's race.

Life of a Dullahan

Since they resemble humans so strongly, most dullahan are able to integrate into society more easily than most tieflings or half-Orcs. However, the differences they do have and their headless nature are still viewed negatively by other races, often being described as creepy, sickening, and often being compared as a monster. Dullahan tend to keep their nature hidden as much as possible in order to save themselves some unwanted attention and discrimination. All things considered, dullahan are still a rare race to encounter in most large cities or towns as they mostly prefer to travel, often due to their profession or to simply live a nomadic life.

Dullahan Names

Dullahan names largely sound like traditional Sylvan names to an outsider, but those fluent in Sylvan will recognize a name as being common or exclusive to dullahans only.
Male: Ultán, Raghnall, Tiernán, Eolann, Dagda

Female: Lasair, Doireann, Mairin, Eimhear, Siobhan

Dullahan Traits


Whether they were born by a dark ritual or reproduction, dullahan mature at the same rate as humans, but live far longer. They become adults when they are 20 and can live for 300 years.


Dullahan tend toward neutral alignments as they believe death comes equally to everybody at their own pace and also to avoid being ostracized as monsters.


Dullahan are about as tall as the average human. Your size is medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


You can speak, read, and write Common, Necril, and Sylvan.


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in Darkness, only shades of yellow or purple.

Hybrid Nature

Your creature type is fey in addition to humanoid. You can become the target of any ability, spell or effect that affects either of your creature types. This grants you protection against some spells and effects that would normally affect humanoids, such as hold person. In addition you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.


Your head and your body are separated, the wound that separated them never healing, although you may always attach or detach your head at will as an action. While your head is separated from your neck you gain the following effects:
  • You cannot be killed by decapitation.
  • You always know the distance and direction to your head unless it is on another plane or if an effect prevents divination magic it will also prevent this effect.
  • Unless your head is being carried by you or another creature, it can be targeted, its AC being equal to yours but without the benefit of Dexterity or armor that does not include a helmet. You cannot be damaged twice by an area of effect due to this. Your head automatically fails Dexterity saving throws.
  • When separate, both head and body can see and hear.
  • You can use an action to have your head emit bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The effect lasts until you dismiss it with an action or fall unconscious.
  • If your body is further than 30 feet away from your head, it is immune to the following conditions: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened.
  • When you cast a spell, your head is used for verbal components and your body is used for somatic and material components. You can only cast a spell that combines these components if your body and head are within 30 feet of each other.
  • At the end of a short rest or long rest, you can summon your head into your empty hand as long as it is on the same plane of existence.

Unseelie Magic

You know the toll the dead cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level you can cast find steed once per long rest. The mount conjured is considered a fey creature. Additionally the steed can be stored in your shadow as an action and can be retrieved as a bonus action. Once you reach 5th level you can cast knock once per long rest.

Weakness to Gold

You have vulnerability to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from gold plated weapons. If you are carrying or touching anything made of gold make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or release the item. Repeat this save every turn you carry the gold.

Random Height and Weight

Base Height Height Modifier* Base Weight Weight Modifier**
5′ 0″ +2d8 120 lb. × (2d6) lb.
*Height = base height + height modifier **Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics

When creating a Dullahan character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 Personality Traits
1 I have a hard time learning how what I do or say affects others.
2 Crowds, and merry groups make me uncomfortable.
3 I forget that my thoughts and intentions are not clear to others.
4 I talk to myself, constantly.
5 I find bonding with animals easier than to others.
6 I just can't sit still, I must always be doing something.
7 I hold true to my values very strongly. A bit too strongly.
8 I am almost entirely fearless. In fact, I don't understand how fear can paralyze others.

d6 Ideals
1 Self-Reliance: Asking for help is shameful, though giving it is acceptable.
2 Travel: Setting up roots is a sign of laziness and bad character.
3 Animals: An animals distrust is a huge red flag.
4 Survival: Doing whatever it takes to survive, no matter the costs, is always forgivable.
5 Nature: It willingly provides for us, but only if we provide for it. Those who ignore this are malicious or foolish.
6 Companionship: We ride together as one. Maintaining those bonds makes everyone stronger.

d6 Bonds
1 I've been alone for so long, I want to find the clan of my ancestors.
2 Traveling the world, without helping where you can, is a shallow lifestyle.
3 Being with others is more fun than expected, and it's worth the dangerous life of an adventurer.
4 The world provides for me, I need to protect it.
5 Adventuring is a convenient way to put food on my plate, given my skills and lifestyle. That is all.
6 Someone took something precious to me! I want it back!

d6 Flaws
1 I am not inclined to trust others.
2 My social skills and boorish nature are appalling.
3 I prioritize my occasional alone time a fair bit too much.
4 I may look after others, but my own needs always come first.
5 I am naïve, and a poor judge of character.
6 My head wanders, literally and figuratively, and I forget where I left my body at times.
by ???

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