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"What doesn't kill you, didn't try hard enough and now its spine is my new bow!"
- Zarick 'Spine Plucker' of the Tar Digger Pack
They live in the desolate corners of the world, the vast deserts and ruined wastelands scorched from arcane hubris. When an adventurer expects to find monsters, they may instead come upon this pack of true survivors. The denizens of the unwanted earth. The Gnolls.
Though they are famed for their ability to thrive in impossibly harsh environments, the Gnolls did not choose this way of life. As some of the last sentient races to emerge into the world, they travelled in nomadic tribes in search of a place to call their own. However, many races had already claimed territory and cultivated sedentary kingdoms by this time. The nomadic Gnolls were often seen as invaders, though history makes it unclear if they were ever hostile, or merely rejected the notion on land claim. They were soon driven out into the wastes of the world and expected to die out. The Gnolls instead flourished against the cruelty of the world, be it in desperation or pure spite, they were forged into the modern Gnolls we see today. Over time the Gnolls have established conclaves outside their homelands, it is not so strange to see one mingled in towns far from the desert these days. Alas, their appearance and crass disposition has made it hard for some to accept the people of the unwanted earth. But their loyalty and daring nature has made many a companion out of a stranger.

True Survivors

Gnolls as a people have had to learn to live in the worst places of the world. From scavenging food where crops refuse to grow, to hunting terrifying beasts for basic materials, and maintaining steady relations with the more intelligent monsters they share territories with.
Because of their harsh environment the very concept of hardship has been built into the Gnolls culture. Though the methods and extremes are not universal between the different families and tribes, all believe in passing on The Wisdoms of Survival, and telling tales of overcoming pain for the future with wit, guts and grit. Just as their forebears did for them.

Practical Oriented

You are alive with every limb intact. For a Gnoll, it is a good day. Gnolls do not need much, a warm hearth and a full belly is a welcomed comfort, but they have lived with less and do not crave much more. To some this is a humble trait, while others accuse a Gnoll of lacking ambition; an unkinder soul might call them simple. Gnolls have found it hard to integrate into societies dependent on social and economic class. They are often seen as rude and crass, having no concept of formal speech and have a habit of ignoring rank and titles. The idea of showing respect to one who has not earned it through hardship and glory is an alien concept. In return, Gnolls are often found in the lower tiers of communities out their own lands.

Thrill Seekers

Despite their survivalist nature Gnolls are far more cautious. More often than not they will happily venture into high risk situations without hesitation. To them danger is a challenge waiting to be overcome, with the chance of reward at the end. They are curious by nature, experiencing deep satisfaction in finding new things through combat and exploration. A trait often rewarded in the wastes, and perhaps the very reason Gnolls continue to exist. Modern day Gnolls have managed to translate this honed instinct into different avenues, adventuring becoming the perfect mantle for the once nomadic people. Though Gnolls have a habit of being caught up in the moment, and may drag their companions into unnecessary trouble if the danger proves too exciting. Others may find their thrills in more unexpected ventures, but all are united by their need to seek new things.
However, if left unstimulated, instinct quickly turns into urge. Most Gnolls find monotonous, unchanging life to be a near tortured existence, and have been known to become troublemakers when forced into an unexciting environment.


A survivalist quickly learns to respect a helping hand in dire situations. One universal lesson all Gnolls pass on to their families is The Wisdom of The Pack. Despite what outsiders may assume, Gnolls are very social and loyal to their pack, and who they define as a member can have great implications for the one chosen.
Gnolls will go to great lengths to protect, and perhaps overprotect their members, and Gnolls will resort to any means necessary to secure the wellbeing of their packmates. They will be the first by your side in any situation, no matter the odds. Dying together is a Gnolls only wish when faced with the end. Dying alone is the greatest hardship a Gnoll can face.


Upon first meeting one, unfamiliar travelers might mistake a Gnoll for a monstrous beast. They are tall grown humanoids with bestial features; covered in fur, a hyena-like head, with claws and fangs. They possess tall and usually lean bodies, and commonly possess a slight hunch, though the degree of that can vary. Their furs can show different patterns and various colorations, ranging from dark brown, almost black, to bright rust colors.

Gnoll Names

Generally, Gnoll names have up to three components: A calling name, which is their preferred name to be called among their pack and strangers alike. A pack name, which is the name of the pack they are born in or inherit. A pack name can change as the Gnoll might join, or form a new pack. An exploit name, which is the closest thing Gnolls have to titles. They receive this name upon accomplishing or performing a memorable and amazing feat; these names can only be given to a Gnoll by their pack when deemed worthy of it.

Male: Arkaz, Bren, Critz, Duheks, Ekko, Fyrgul, Gizzit, Hakkuk, Ilkor, Jaxx, Kiklo, Lurt, Moksol, Nourezz, Ozarr, Peccu, Quregg, Rarkon, Sittaz, Thezz, Urotak, Voz, Wolrek, Xikks, Ykkar, Zot

Female: Aelzi, Bahz, Chos, Dyrish, Ehri, Fohna, Gihluh, Hiltur, Iwyrh, Jhith, Krea, Luiruh, Mruibah, Narhor, Oth, Pargluh, Qyrgehz, Rizah, Snih, Thelgah, Ulah, Vahs, Wenzihl, Xerseh, Ynoh, Zhavyh

Example Exploit Names: Akimbo, Blade-Catcher, Calamity, Deep Delver, Extra Large, Fiend Ripper, Giant Wrangler, Hex Shrugger, Inferno Walker, Jumps-The-Pit, Keg Kicker, Loyal, Marvel Tale, Never-Dies, Overdrive, Piledriver, Quest Freak, Rock-Puncher, Sharp Eye, Turns-Away-From-Explosions, Undertaker, Vault Breaker, Wild Hook, X Slash, Yoke Finder, Zap Clapper

Gnoll Traits

As a gnoll, you possess innate traits that ensure survival in extreme living conditions, your lore reflects the history of your ancestors and how they survived the harsh wastelands.


Gnolls reach maturity within 8 years of their life. They commonly live up to 60 years , with some unique Gnolls living past 100.


While gnolls respect established rules, they are free spirits and can easily sway to bend the rules if need be, and especially if these rules impede on the well being of their pack. Gnolls are commonly chaotic in their nature, but can show lawful behaviors within their own pack.


Gnolls grow up to 7 feet. Your size is medium.


Your walking speed is 30 feet.


Because of your animalistic senses you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness s if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.


Your bite is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit it with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for a unarmed strike. 

True Survivor

You gain proficiency with one of the following skills: Athletics, Perception, Stealth, Survival.

Exhilarating Thrill

When you roll a 20 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you have advantage on the next ability check, attack roll, or  saving throw you make before the end of your next turn.

Survival Way

Your ancestors had a unique way of survival and you inherited their wisdoms they gathered and traits they developed, Choose from the Way of the Hunter, Way of the Scavenger, or Way of the Fiend Eater.

Dm Notes for Exhilarating Thrill:

Exhilarating Thrill is meant to represent a Gnoll's surging excitement after performing an amazing feat. Yes, according to the rules as written, a Gnoll character could make Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to perform backflips until they eventually roll a 20 to then use the trait's effect to make another ability check (like picking a lock) with advantage. This is against the intent of the trait. Players should not aim to trigger Exhilarating Trait on purpose. That would be lame.

Way of the Hunter

You hail from a lineage of hunters who tracked the great beasts across the wastelands long ago. These forbearers hunted for the sake of their tribes. Homing ability and battle prowess to take down monsters twice their size, and turning apex predators into their prey.


You can use a bonus action to move up to half of your speed and make a bite attack against a target in range. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you have finished a short or long rest, or you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points.

Powerful Bite

Your bite deals 1d6 damage, instead of 1d4.


When you use your action to dash, you gain an additional 20 ft. of extra movement, unless your movement is reduced by any amount.

Way of the Scavenger

You have the blood of sturdy scavengers in you. Crafty survivors that pilfered the unfarmed wilderness for food. There are places in the wastes that barely hold life, and these forbearers adapted by consuming adapted by consuming things the flies would not touch, rewarding their descendants with iron tenacity and resistance.

Infectious Bite

As a bonus action, you can make a special attack with your bite. If the attack hits, it deals poison damage equal to your proficiency modifier, and if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or is poisoned until the end of your next turn. The DC is equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your Proficiency bonus. Once you use this trait and the attack hits, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Diseased Tenacity

You are resistant to poison damage and have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and diseases.

Way of the Fiend Eater

You descend from a lineage of Gnolls that faced the true unspeakable horrors that dwell in the most dangerous parts of the world, every day a savage fight for survival. Be it in desperation or celebration, your ancestors feasted upon the corpses of their defeated foes, and became touched by otherworldly corruption.

Wicked Bite

As a bonus action, you make a special attack with your bite. If the attack hits, it deals damage as normal, and if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or is frightened by you and can't make opportunity attacks against you until the end of your next turn. The DC is equal to 8 + your Charisma modifier + your Proficiency bonus. Once you use this trait and the attack hits, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Vile Cackle

You know the vicious mockery cantrip. Charisma, Intelligence or Wisdom may be your spellcasting ability.
by MisterCrowbar

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