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Born in the Underdark as a dark reflection of the races above, the Harvestmen live for control. Whether by mental prowess or martial skill, the Harvestmen seek to find order in the chaotic minds of other races, and assert their own will upon others however they see fit. A typical Harvestmen is built similarly to an elf, slightly taller and thinner than humans, but their most prominent feature is their jaw and eyes. They also tend towards grey skin tones and darker hair, being from the plane of shadow, color is a foreign concept to them, and while some adventurers might find bright colors repulsive, just as many are eagerly drawn to the new and bold choices now offered them. As such, it is just as likely to see a Harvestmen in dark, shadowy clothing as it is to see one in bright, vibrant clothing, contrasting strangely with their grey skin and dark hair. A brightly dressed Harvestman also likely has very little knowledge of color theory, and clashing colors or odd choices are plentiful. Whether bright or dark, the Harvestmen are gifted weavers, using the silk they produce as the basis for all their clothing. Many also take up professions of other crafts, such as painting or blacksmithing.

Harvestmen tend to live as individuals or small families, never fully forming towns, but rather forming close bonds with neighbors spaced a few miles apart. A vast network of trade occurs between these neighbors, and the constant trading of produced goods makes up for the lack of formal towns.

An Intimidating Visage

Harvestmen are incredibly strange to look at, if not downright terrifying at times. Their faces can be littered with anywhere between four to eight eyes, and they 'smile' quite literally ear to ear, with horrifying mouths that are filled with row after row of horrendous teeth, some of which being known to have a deadly bite. On top of this, their saliva is sticky and malleable, being able to be woven into powerful string which can be used like rope and, in theory, to capture unsuspecting travelers of the Underdark. Their bodies themselves are long and spindly, with most Harvestmen having an average amount of limbs, though older generations were said to have once harbored up to six arms at a time, which made them incredibly deadly spellcasters. Some are still born with these extra arms, but they are smaller and practically useless.

Harvestmen Traits

All harvestmen share the following features:


Harvesters reach maturity in their early 20's and can live up to 500 years old on average.


Their exile to the depths of the Underdark has left some Harvestmen devious and cunning, As such they may tend to lean towards Neutral and Evil alignments. But such not is the case with all of them.


Harvestmen tend to stand at 7 and 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium.


Your walking speed is 30 feet.


Accustomed to depths of the Underdark, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Fey Ancestry

You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and magic can't put you to sleep.

Deadly Fangs

As an action, you can choose to bite your foes with your powerful jaws. Make a melee weapon attack, on a hit the target takes 1d4 piercing damage and must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Save DC (8 + Proficiency Bonus + Charisma Modifier) or take 1d8 poison damage.

Venomous Veins

You have a natural resistance to poison Damage, and have advantage on Saving Throws against being poisoned.

Arachnid Physiology

Your ties to Lolth cannot go ignored and as such you have innate spellcasting abilities. At 1st Level you know the poison spray Cantrip. At 3rd Level you gain access to the web spell. At 5th Level, you can cast spider climb Spell. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier.


You can speak Common, Sylvan and one additional language of your choice.


Many Harvestmen have grown to exhibit the same abilities and features of their arachnid counterparts, and thus have five distinct subraces: Black Widow, Diving Bell, Tarantula, Trapdoor and Wolf.

Black Widow

Your lower stomach has a signature red hourglass, with your eyes taking on a similar color and your hair being pitch black.

Potent Venom

A deadly toxin flows through your veins. Instead of your normal bite's damage, you instead roll 1d12 poison damage, and the target must make a Constitution Saving Throw or be poisoned for 1 hour.

Diving Bell

You are an even more curious case than the average Harvestman, having being raised inside of the underground lakes and having acclimated accordingly. Your skin is practically hairless and paler than most. Your hair resembles the algae and underwater plant life. Your eyes glow a bright blue similar to deep sea life.

Keen Senses

You are proficient in the Perception Skill.

Aquatic Adaptation

You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and can breathe water as though it were air.


Undeniably the hardiest and bulkiest of the Harvestmen, these creatures are covered in thick coarse body hair and large, bulky bodies. They tend to stand a foot above even the tallest of Harvestmen.

Hefty Hunter

You gain proficiency in the Athletics Skill and count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Bone Crushing Bite

Rather than dealing any form of poison damage, your bites deal 2d6 piercing damage on a successful hit.


One of the most cunning and devious of the Harvestmen, these beings tend to use their intelligence to capture their prey more efficiently than others. Their skin and hair tend to be darker to blend into the cave walls, and their eyes are a deep, dark blue without irises.

Seasoned Trapper

You have resistance to damage dealt by traps and have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks to find traps.

Spider Sense

You cannot be surprised.


Perhaps one of the most adept hunters in the Underdark, Wolf Harvestmen are a dangerous bunch who hunt primarily in packs and tend to fight with a ferocity not seen in many other folk. Their hair is a wild mess of black and grey locks, and their eyes are a piercing yellow that can strike fear in the hearts of most.

Hard To Pin Down

You have proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. Additionally, you have advantage on checks against being Grappled.

Advanced Limbs

Your Horizontal Jumping Distance is 30 feet, and your Vertical Jumping Distance is 15 feet.

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