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Being one of the lowest races, and seen with the most disgust, the Ratfolk have gotten used to the sewers and the depths. They make excellent thieves and assassins. In the world of Therinyn other than the Beastlands, they are usually found in the Sewers of large cities.


Ratfolk commonly live a little over 200 years maintaining good vitality and longevity toward the end. Ratfolk reach adulthood at the age of 25, with the fur on their bodies turning grey once they've lived about 100 years.


Ratfolk are strongly inclined to follow their own path, preferring freedom over all else, which makes them strongly chaotic. Ratfolk are rarely evil, but most are morally neutral.


Ratfolk look thin and frail, standing about 5'3'' and 5'6'', and weighing around 110-120 lbs. Your size is Medium.


Your base walking speed is 35 feet.


You are used to dark areas, and your eyes have adjusted to such. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light. You can't discern color in darkness only shades of grey.


You are proficient in the Stealth Skill.

Thin Frame

You can squeeze through spaces as if you were a Small creature.


You can speak, read, write Common and Beast Speech


  Ratfolk are separated into two subraces, darkfur and windfoot, which come with different benefits. Choose one of these subraces.

Darkfur Ratfolk

Darkfur ratfolk are cynical like their windfoot counterparts, and just as introverted, but they have a knack for blending into society. They prefer to live on the fringes of the nation's cities. Many disdain authority, but simply attempt to keep away from law enforcement, believing they will be left alone if they leave others alone. The dark hair on their bodies gives them an advantage in dark environments.


You have proficiency in the Deception skill.

Shadow Blend

Your fur conceals you. You can attempt to hide in areas of dim light.

Windfoot Ratfolk

Windfoot ratfolk fit well the rebellious nature of their race; they have no love for civilization and laws, preferring the freedom and unpredictability of the wilderness. Most windfoot ratfolk are cautious and untrusting of others who come near their territory, but they have keen eyes and quick feet, giving them a distinct advantage when they have to stay moving in a hostile environment.

Keen Senses

You have proficiency in the Perception skill.

Windfoot Celerity

You don't get stopped easily. During your first turn in combat, opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage and difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement.

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