Drunken Celebrations with a Vampire Report Report in Therisia | World Anvil
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Drunken Celebrations with a Vampire Report

General Summary

The party spent time in town learning about the manor house and it's Lord. It turns out that there was to be a great celebration on the last day of the Festival of Drink and the group managed to get invites through their celebrity status. They contemplated just sneaking in, but decided against it. They found, during a tour of the manor house grounds, that there are numerous devilish animals and beings housed on the estate that would make such an entrance very difficult. The group, made their way inside, and mingled for a little while before getting to work. They went up to the 3rd floor, to the area designed for the overnight guests, and checked numerous doors to find one that they could explore. The group tried to use familiars to make their way through the chimneys to the different floors, but found grates and magic spells on the duct work that made that idea unworkable. The group managed to pick a lock on one of the side rooms in the guest wing to try and get to the other wing on the 3rd floor. Inside they found a room for the storage of swords, and a drunken group of guards in the next room. They managed to use surprise, godly intervention, and bardic hypnotism to take the group without much trouble, and were able to get into the state dining area of the manor. Continuing on, they encountered a room with much more alert guards, led by a vampire spawn. Through the intervention once again of the gods, magic stopped working in just that room for about 3 minutes. Using the element of surprise, and knowledge about the magic changes, they were able to defeat a group that was much more powerful than they. What is next for the group? We will find out next time in part 2!

Rewards Granted

2k exp. All characters should be at lvl 7.

Missions/Quests Completed

Explored much of the manor, but have not found any of the objectives.

Character(s) interacted with

Convinced a merchant of Lothaeven to set up business with Iron Mountain. Purposely avoided the Count during the ball.

Created Content

Maps of Highdark Hall showing progression knowledge were added.
The Leftovers of Revolution
Manny Burns
Report Date
28 Feb 2020
Primary Location

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