Jormungandra Character in Therisia | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Golden Dragon)

Jormungandra is not the nicest deity. In fact one could say that she is prone to violence, has a bit of an issue with pride, and has the tendency to have her creed abused for evil purposes. However, she is also the goddess of wisdom and therefore is careful to maintain good relations to her fellows to not alienate them for good. Being a neutral being, Jormungandra does not care how one gains wealth or by what methods war is fought. A wise being, she usually does not support evil campaigns as they are usually wasteful and short lived.

Divine Domains


Dragon, Magic, Wealth, Pride


Dragon, Wisdom, War, Wealth, Sky, Fire

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dragon Biting a Coin

Tenets of Faith

The followers of Jormungandra are quite a mixed bag. On one hand you have those who seek wealth; merchants, beggars, kings and paupers are all interested. On the other hand you have those who wish to be great at warfare; soldiers, generals, mercenaries all want to win the battles they fight. On the third hand you have those who are wise, druids, sages, prophets all seek the wisdom granted by the Golden Dragon. People from all planes of life, all forms of existence can follow Jormungandra, although few wish to follow her entire creed.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Salient Divine Abilities

  • Alter Size
  • Frightful Presence
  • Battle Sense
  • Divine Air Mastery
  • Irresistible Blows
  • Divine Inspiration
  • Divine Blast


  • Power Attack
  • Cleave
  • Hover
  • Weapon Focus: Natural
  • Fly By Attack
  • Improved Crit: Claw
  • Multi-attack: Claw
  • Wing Over

Epic Feats

  • Epic Prowess
  • Armorskin
  • Ranged Spell
  • Improved Spell Resistance
  • Epic Reflexes

Specialized Equipment

Longsword, Spear

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into existence with the original pantheon, Jormungandra was originally only the goddess of dragons, wealth and warfare. This combination was not the best because it produced a cruel being who only selfishly sought to fulfill her own desires. Soliana, the goddess of the sun and mercy was asked to speak to the dragon goddess and turn her from a destructive path. Nobody knows other than the two what happened in that confrontation, but afterwards the domain of wisdom was given (some say forced) onto Jormungandra to show her how shortsighted she was in the pursuit of power. With this revelation the dragon’s whole character changed as she developed into a more neutral being and saw the benefits of mercy, justice, and balance.
Since then, Jormungandra has owed the sun goddess a tremendous debt and honors her above all the others in the pantheon.

Personality Characteristics


  • All things should be done with wisdom. Keep the future in mind, and how your actions reflect on you and those who follow you.
  • Only the strong have a right to decide their future. Develop and improve yourself to protect your interests. Flee those who refuse to fight to protect their people or money as they will be eaten by the strong.
  • Use all resources at your disposal. Those who waste time, money, intelligence, or lives are to be despised.
  • Be one who creates, not one who simply consumes.

Likes & Dislikes

Jormungandra is very fond of cats which is funny because they are lazy creatures that sleep all day but she claims that the way they manipulate people into taking care of their needs is “masterful” and in line with her creed. Her favorite foods is spicy barbecue


Contacts & Relations

Jormungandra has had dealings with all the deities in the past and has a debt to the goddess of the sun and seeks to restore her to her proper place. She dislikes the new pantheon as being usurpers who have not dealt with their domains responsibly and must be replaced if the world is to be set right. (If there is a god of pacifism like, no violence whatsoever, she would be strongly opposed to them and would have enmity with them).
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral

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