Maxim Faber Character in Therisia | World Anvil
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Maxim Faber

The craftsman of the Old Gods, Maxim made most of the weapons, toys, and tools the other Old Gods used. Not commonly seen because he spends most of his time working in his shop attended by his servants the minions. Created the dread scythe for Jhaumrithe (it took forever to alloy a metal that could be made sharp enough). Made Yuichi's tobacco pipe.

Divine Domains


Knowledge, Magic, Luck, Law


Crafts, Engineering, Knowledge, Strength, Invention

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and well muscled, bare chested, callused hands, bald, usually wears a kilt, carries a hammer.

Special abilities

Salient Divine Abilities

  • Automatic Metamagic: Quicken
  • Arcane Mastery
  • See Magic
  • Craft Artifact
  • Master Crafter
  • Create Object
  • Spontaneous Wizard Spells


  • Craft Rod
  • Forge Ring
  • Craft Arms and Armor
  • Craft Wondrous Item
  • Practiced Spellcaster
  • Quicken Spell
  • Extend Spell
  • Spell Mastery

Bonus Feats

  • Scribe Scroll
  • Summon Familiar
  • Craft Staff
  • Craft Wand

Epic Feats

  • Epic Skill Focus: Spellcraft
  • Epic Spellcasting
  • Craft Epic Arms and Armor
  • Efficient Item Creation
  • Multispell

Apparel & Accessories

The sporran (kilt pouch) full of pens, slide rule, and multi-tool goes with anything.

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known about Maxim's background as he's not a talker, but most assume he is an ascended human craftsman. Some ancient rumors suggest he was the first mortal to discover metal and smelt it, raising early sentient creatures out of the Stone Age and throwing open the gates of Craftsmanship.

Personality Characteristics


Maxim does not like making things. Maxim LOVES making things. There's nothing he likes more than a really well made thing, magic or otherwise, and he believes everyone should explore their creativity and demonstrate their knowledge and skill by making things. But if you're going to make something, make it well and make it right. Shoddy workmanship is the unforgivable sin.

Personality Quirks

Careful, methodical, and orderly, Maxim's workshop is always spotless and he knows where all his tools are - In their proper drawers.


Contacts & Relations

Yuichi seems to take an unusual interest in Maxim, and goes out of his way to interact with the God of Craftsmanship, even pushing his way into Maxim's workshop, prying him away from his currnt project, dragging him off for beer, and listening patiently while Maxim compains about the work he's not getting done. While they have very different personalities, they seem to put up with each other more readily than others do. They have known each other for a long time, even among the Elder Pantheon, but neither particularly talks about their shared past so little is known.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Success is 90% perspiration, 9% desperation, and 1% inspiration."

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