Oceanus Character in Therisia | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Lord of Waters and Master of the Sea, King of the Ocean, Stormking, Sovereign of the Sea and Master of Tides​)

With his 4 Tridents in hand, the storm known as Oceanus, Lord of the Seas is one of the greatest fighters of the old gods.

Divine Domains


Ocean, Storm, Trade, Water


Water, Sea, Rivers, Weather, Storms, Wind

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Green Wave

Physical Description

Special abilities

Salient Divine Abilities

  • Divine Water Mastery
  • Alter Size
  • Alter Form
  • Power of Nature
  • Shapechange
  • Instant Move
  • Divine Air Mastery


  • Monkey Grip
  • Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
  • Multi-Weapon Fighting
  • Improved Multiweapon Fighting
  • Greater Multiweapon Fighting
  • Improved Crit
  • Combat Reflexes
  • Greater Cleave

Bonus Feats

  • Weapon Focus
  • Two Weapon Fighting
  • Two Weapon Defense
  • Weapon Specialization
  • Greater Weapon Focus
  • Greater Weapon Specialization
  • Cleave
  • Power Attack

Epic Feats

  • Epic Weapon Focus
  • Epic Prowess
  • Multiweapon Rend
  • Perfect Multiweapon Fighting
  • Epic Weapon Specialization

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Quick to anger, and quick to forgive. Could be bad tempered, vengeful if insulted.


Contacts & Relations

Rivals with the shark god Sekohah. Oceanus hated sharks, despising their "Lifeless, black eyes". This led to clashes between Sekohah's Sahuagin worshipers and the worshipers of Oceanus.
Lunestra, one of the New Gods, heard him playing his music one evening by the shore and fell in love with him. Since his banishment to Limbo, she has been working behind the scenes to try and return him to the world.

Social Aptitude

A bit of a loner, he did not participate in the councils of the gods, and he never did take a lover or spouse. He was fond of music and it was said that his music could be heard in the sounds of the water itself. He taught the whales to sing so they could keep him company.
Divine Classification
True Neutral
Quotes & Catchphrases
“The Sea cannot be tamed.”

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