Soliana Character in Therisia | World Anvil
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Merciful, Kind, and Loving, Soliana was the beloved head of the Old Gods. She was the first of creation, and guided the world from before time. She did not rule with fear and domination, but with wise understanding and an attitude of care and kindness that even the most evil gods respected and honored. It was her trusting nature that caused the overthrow of the Old Gods and the rise of the New Gods. She was betrayed by Helios, her lover from another pantheon, who did not believe that a woman was capable of handling the responsibilities of rulership. An uprising and invasion by Helios's pantheon banished the Old Gods to Limbo for the last few thousand Millennia. Since the overthrow, Soliana has been inconsolable, blaming herself completely for the loss of the world she so loved, and the suffering of her fellow gods.

Divine Domains


Sun, Creation, Good


Sun, Courage, Good, Light, Love, Mercy

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Current Location

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