Yuichi Character in Therisia | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Fox Lord, The Prankster, The Nine-Tailed Fox, The Forest Guardian​)

Yuichi is generally a calm and easy-going deity, more concerned with nature and balance than getting involved with deific politics, but he believes the weak (human or animal) should be protected and aided since they are at a disadvantage. When angered, he embodies the fury of the storm and the fierceness of the wild beast. He is the god of trickery, but with a focus on cleverness, escape, and humor rather than cons and self-enrichment. He has a reputation for aiding those lost in the wilderness, punishing those who hunt only for fun or mistreat their animals, helping the weak turn the tables on their oppressors, and blessing for those who live in harmony with nature. He most often takes an interest in humans who live in rural or wilderness areas. He believes all races are capable of good and while he finds humans the most interesting, he accepts any worshippers who will follow the path of goodness.

Divine Domains


Animals, Common Sense, Pranksters, Protection, Tactics, Tricks


Animal, Protection, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Purple Flame (Foxfire)

Physical Description

Body Features

Animal form: A fox, sometimes with multiple tails. Human form: A human with a pipe, sometimes with fox ears and tail(s).

Physical quirks

Yuichi's most notable skill was his mastery of shapeshifting: He could transform himself at will into anything imaginable, altering his size and appearance with a mere thought. He often went about in disguise, either as a human or an animal, and many folktailes of clever foxes aiding heroes or tricking villains are based on his exploits. In addition, he had remarkable powers over nature, making barren areas bloom for poor farmers or calling down the wrath of the storm on his enemies. Currently, though, he's just a large fox who can speak like a human.

Special abilities

Salient Divine Abilities

  • Alter Size
  • Alter Form
  • Gift of Life
  • Power of Nature
  • Divine Druid
  • Shapechange
  • Know Secrets


  • Run
  • Improved Scent
  • Uncanny Scent
  • Silent Spell
  • Combat Reflexes
  • Weapon Finesse
  • Huge Wild Shape
  • Augment Summoning

Epic Feats

  • Epic Reputation
  • Epic Spellcasting
  • Fleet of Foot
  • Spellcasting Harrier
  • Spectral Strike

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yuichi began his existence as an ordinary fox; the wild magic in the dawn of the world turned him into a kitsune and he eventually gained divinity after nine reincarnations. He was first worshipped as a local guardian spirit, then as a wilderness deity, and finally as the primary god of animals. Dates of natural significance (solsitces, equinoxes, full moons, etc) are important to him and his festivals usually occur on such dates. Lahaina Noons are his most holy day, in latitudes where they occur.

Morality & Philosophy

Yuichi believes the greatest good is for creatures to live in harmony with each other and with their environment. He accepts that sickness and death are part of the natural order, but sometimes order should be set aside for the greater good. He believes that to do good is the highest ideal for any creature and that good should never be sacrificed for gain. He is not an ambitious god, seeking peace and harmony over personal gain, but he now recognizes that he will need to take a more active role to provide mortals with the peace he seeks for them.

Personality Characteristics


Yuichi prefes peaceful and diplomatic means when possible, but recognizes that a great many situations require an active role to resolve. He will generally help the helpless, but prefers helping those who will acknowledge their own faults and work for what they want. He prefers tricks and cleverness over brute strength but when combat is necessary he prefers to fight as an animal since he finds the natural claws and teeth more familiar than human weapons.

Likes & Dislikes

Yuichi has a weekness for tobacco and sweets. He was once an expert on all varieties of tobacco in the known world and his worshippers traditionally made offerings of sweets and cakes. It was considered lucky to take a pinch of tobacco from a new package and toss it over one's right shoulder "for the Fox Lord."


Social Aptitude

As a shapechanger, Yuichi appeared interchangeably as men, women, children, and animals. Although he prefers the wilderness, he sometimes visits big cities to see what's happening. He is generally fond of mortals and has had multiple relationships over the centuries. Some people believe he was an ascended mortal princess or the child of a nature spirit and a human; this amused him and he didn't discourage the rumors.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good

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