Early Pepperland politics in Therm | World Anvil
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Early Pepperland politics

Prelude to the formation of the Confederation: Pepperland's used to be a farrago of Duchies, free cities, principalities, and the larger of these states forming monarchies. It would not be until as recent as 1207 when the first democratic state was established. In the next two hundred years monarchies became constitutional ones, free city states eventually dissolved into larger principalities and duchies. The state of Geats being the only republic. Of the 25 states that would eventually become the first Confederacy of Pepperland. 3 of them were still absolute monarchies in 1400. When the confederation formed in 1406 after the Great Uroboros War people could not agree on how the new confederation should be run. The debate bears some resemblance to America's problem after its independence. Should the federal government be strong or weak?

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